Page 46 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 46

49. Biennale di venezia                                                RePubiLC OF MACeDOniA
         49. Biennale di venezia

           JOvAn ŠuMKOvSKi                    seem to come from some              as if phosphorescing some latent
                                              galvanization laboratory. The       light. A process similar to that
           nighT viSiOn                       effect and the images we see        observed in some species of fish
           an inTervieW By                    through the device correspond       whose bones smoulder in the
           ViktoriJa VaseVa                   with the widespread view of the     infinite darkness of extreme
           diMeska                            contemporary illuminative and       depths.
                                              solarized environment of the         To what degree does the
         49. Biennale Di veneziA
             is your night vision simply a    Balkans and the region, as the day   world’s epidermis become a
           night vision device producing a    in this part of the world is        space for the release of
           reflection of an illusion which    unfortunately nearly always         negative energy, culminating in
           acts as a mediator between         shorter than the night.             the farcical shrinkage of
           our view of the world and            What is that which permits        arrogant globalism of the
           reality as information, or is it a   the night vision device to offer   Olympic symbol (the five
           recapitulation of power, of        more than your Light echo? is       rings)?
           collective and individual          this the courage to look into        A green fluorescent
           consciousness?                     the essence of things to a          morphography dominates in the
             In the spatial installation      degree when the searcher faces      space where the installation is set
           entitled Night Vision the moment   his own eyes or faces               and also on the image obtained
                                                                                  through the night vision device.
                                                                                  This malignant monochromatic
                                                                                  atmosphere is certainly a
                                                                                  manifestation of quietly coded
                                                                                  negative energy. The world seems
                                                                                  to be getting weary of rotating
                                                                                  about its axis and has flooded,
                                                                                  imprisoned or frozen some of its
                                                                                  micro-elements. Only one of its
                                                                                  many symbols - the Olympic
                                                                                  symbol - pulsates on the water’s
                                                                                  surface and reminds us that not
                                                                                  everything has been played out to
                                                                                  the end, won, defeated or filled
                                                                                  with happiness. At the beginning
                                                                                  of the third millennium, the world
                                                                                  as a whole cannot have calm seas
                                                                                  and sail in the vacuum of
                                                                                  prosperity and peace. It is still the
                                                                                  arena of interests of the gloomiest
                                                                                  type, accompanied as a rule by
                                                                                  demonstrations of force and
                                                                                  uncontrolled energy.
                                                                                   And what about the interior
                                                                                  of the prisms?
           of peeping through the night       something else?                      The prisms are transparent and
           vision device is actually the        In a technical sense, for the first   transmit light echoes. They are
           moment when the viewer is faced    time in his existence Man becomes   designed like lanterns which
           with a two-dimensional image.      a complete hunter. He can freely    illuminate not only the everyday
           He receives inverse values in this   see and hunt in darkness, a       objects found in their interior, but
           image: dark is transformed into    privilege of the animals. The       also project their reflections on the
           light, dense into thin. It is a scene   hunter is now an active viewer,   room walls. During the process of
           in which there is no insolation, a   but in his aimless roaming across   enclosing these objects in the
           view in which there is no          the two-dimensional image,          predefined transparent volume of
           perspective, a relief in which there   without any concentration,      the lanterns, two groups of
           is no gravitation. The viewer is   without a focus, the searcher       fragments, different in
           involved in a silent event with no   inevitably confronts his own eyes.   significance, were preferred:
           consequences. The world looks      The image does not correspond to     Frozen Energy (potency) -
           glacial through the night vision   contemporary events, the objects    objects with potential energy,
           device, and the objects it reveals   on the earth’s surface seem febrile,   combustible fuels, parts of electric

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