Page 24 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2003)
P. 24

         THe GeTTY                                                              surreaLisT Muse                           01-008_World of Art_210x275.qxd  21.1.2003  14:06 Uhr  Seite 1

                  roLand Penrose

                  NiGHT AND DAY
                  oil on canvas
                  Private collection, england
                  © antony Penrose
                  the roland Penrose collection
                  east sussex, england 1999
                  © 2002 the J Paul getty trust

                                                                                        Pablo Picasso
                                                                                        Portrait of Lee Miller
                                                                                        oil on canvas
                                                                                        lent by a. and r. Penrose
                                                                                        © 2002 estate of Pablo Picasso/
                                                                                        artists rights society (ars), new york

        to reflect their relationships. Man   adorned with clouds floating in a   the maturing quality of her work,
        Ray, enraged after a quarrel with    blue sky, and half shaded in the   we see the different threads of
        his muse, depicted Miller with       gentle darkness that comes with    her prior experiences united in
        her neck slashed in his 1930–32      night.                             her vision. in her photograph
        painting Le Logis de l’Artiste (The   As an artist, Miller’s work moves   documenting the suicide of a
        Artist’s House), using a previous    from portraits taken in her New    German official and his family at
        photograph of Miller with her        York studio, to documentary        the end of the war, Miller moves
        head thrown back and her neck        images recording her travels,      her lens close to the subjects,
        extended as a model. Penrose         to the stark faces of death and    capturing the bodies as if they
        envisions Miller, whom he married,   destruction captured on the        were in a state between dream and
        as Night and Day in his painting     fields of war as a correspondent   waking, life and death - at once                 Die Internationale Kunstmesse – The International Art Show
        portraying Miller in a costume half   for the U.S. Armed Forces. Across   beautiful, horrible, and surreal.              Art 34 Basel, MCH Messe Basel AG, CH-4021 Basel
                                                                                                                                 Fax +41 58 206 2686,,
                                                                                                                                 m                                                                                           u
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