Page 27 - 50.La Biennale di Venezia issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 27


        website to architectural design... They are covering large domains from   hope for the better future.
        urban actions to personal imagination, from historic geopolitical critiques   Physically the Utopia Station in Venice, projected by Rirkrit Tiravanija and
        to political protests, etc. Designed especially for the specific site of the   Liam Gillick, will bring together the work of many different artists and
        Arsenale, the exhibition’s realization is to become a process of opening   architects who will build small structures, models and walls.
        up a unique Zone of Urgency for artistic adventures and dialogues with   Around them other small objects and projects, including drawings, small
        the public in the conditions of the urgent reality of social transformation.  paintings and photographs, will be set up in a free arrangement. An open
                                                              call has gone out to almost 160 artists for posters, which will add another
        UTOPIA STATION                                        layer of activity to swarm in the space and also beyond it, scattering
        CURATED BY MOLLY NESBIT, HANS-ULRICH OBRIST, RIRKRIT TIRAVANIJA  individually into the city of Venice. The Utopia Station’s artists come from
        “Today the world is too dangerous for anything less than utopia,”   around the world. To list every participant is not possible here. Let us
        Buckminster Fuller once wrote. Because unfortunately this remains true,   say simply that it is a large, and growing, group. In alphabetical order it
        we propose to travel there together as a group. We can meet at Utopia   would begin with A12 and end with Andrea Zittel.
        Station. The Utopia Station in Venice will be nothing more or nothing less   Throughout the summer, different speakers, writers, dancers, performers
        than a way station, a place to stop, to look, to talk and refresh the route.   and musicians will be invited to give Utopia their ideas, radical actions and
        Utopia itself an idea with a long history and many fixed ideologies, has   sounds. We imagine the Station filling with life. We imagine the Station
        loosened up to become a catalyst first, or the no-place it always was, a   defined as much by this life, i.e. by meeting, as by its things.

                           UTOPIA  STATION
            Curated by  Molly Nesbit, Hans Ulrich Obrist and Rirkrit Tiravanija

                                                                           UTOPIA STATION
                                                                           Poster Project
                                                                           Rirkrit Tiravanija
                                                                           Credit: Roe Ethridge

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