Page 96 - 50.La Biennale di Venezia issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 96
po Marco Polo Glass Gallery & Glass Gallery & Studio
the most genuine of Murano
of Murano, at 1 Fondamenta
glass gallery Studio is situated on the island is a sort of true defender of
productions. It is among the
& studio Manin. The gallery faces few glass companies capable
ontothe Venice lagoon, and
its exhibition spaces, windows of guaranteeing the quality
and halls afford a breathtaking of its products. Art Galleries at Art 34 Basel | A | 303 Gallery New York | Acquavella New York | Air de Paris Paris | Aizpuru Madrid, Sevilla |
MARCO POLO GLASS GALLERY & STUDIO Murano Glass, with particular have been built within a late- experts and collaborators – has Arndt & Partner Berlin | arsFutura Zürich | Art Focus Zürich | Art & Public Genève | Artiaco Napoli | B | von Bartha Basel |
Marco Polo Glass
view of the islands of San
Nevertheless it has to be said
Gallery & Studio was
Michele and San Francesco
that Marco Polo Glass Gallery
established in the early
del Deserto. The gallery rooms
& Studio – with its team of
Alexander and Bonin New York | de Alvear Madrid | Ammann Zürich | Andréhn-Schiptjenko Stockholm | Andriesse Amsterdam |
1980s and specialises in
Gothic monastic complex. It is
Berinson Berlin | Bernier/Eliades Athens | Beyeler Basel | Bischofberger Zürich | Blau München | Blum New York, Zürich |
assumed the responsibility of
reference to the production
also possible to reach Marco
Blum & Poe Santa Monica | Brito Cimino São Paulo | Brown New York | Brusberg Berlin | Buchholz Köln | Buchmann Lugano, Köln |
promoting experimentation and
of objects conceived by
Polo Glass Gallery & Studio
Bugdahn und Kaimer Düsseldorf | C | C&M New York | c/o–Gerhardsen Berlin | Campaña Köln | Capitain Köln | carlier gebauer Berlin |
innovation in glass sculpture,
renowned artists and
directly from the lagoon due
Carzaniga + Ueker Basel | Cats Bruxelles, Knokke | Cheim & Read New York | Chelouche Tel Aviv | Chouakri Brahms Berlin |
opening its doors to all those
to its private pier.
Clairefontaine Luxembourg | Cobo Sevilla | Coles London | Contemporary Fine Arts Berlin | Cooper New York |
who want to deal with this
lamps, table art, design
Corkin/Shopland Gallery Toronto | Cottier Sydney | Crane Kalman London | Crousel Paris | D | Dabbeni Lugano | De Cardenas Milano |
unique material.
De Carlo Milano | Denise René Paris | Di Meo Paris | Ditesheim Neuchâtel, Genève | Durand-Dessert Paris | E | Ecart Genève |
editions, furnishings and
Marco Polo Glass Gallery &
Eigen+Art Berlin, Leipzig | F | Faber Wien | Fischer Düsseldorf | Fontana Milano | Fortes Vilaça São Paulo | Fraenkel San Francisco |
sculpture-objects are the
Studio collaborates with other
merchandise sectors
internationally renowned
Galerie de France Paris | Galleria dello Scudo Verona | Gasser & Grunert New York | Gladstone New York | Gmurzynska Köln, Zug |
Studio’s main objective is to
galleries, foundations and
which form this gallery/
González Madrid | Goodman Marian New York, Paris | Goodman Gallery Johannesburg | Grässlin Frankfurt | Gray Chicago, New York |
reach a perfect synthesis
companies. The gallery is
firm’s production.
Greve Köln, Milano, Paris, St. Moritz | H | Haas & Fuchs Berlin | Hamiltons London | Hauser & Wirth Zürich |
between two poles: the
present both in Italy and abroad, The Marco Polo Glass Gallery& Friedman Stephen London | Friedrich Basel | Frith London | G | Gagosian New York | Galerie 1900-2000 Paris |
Hauser & Wirth & Presenhuber Köln, Zürich | Hengesbach Wuppertal | Hetzler Berlin | Hilger Wien, Paris | Holtmann Köln, Berlin |
Although Marco Polo Glass and boasts a sophisticated tradition of the great Murano Hoss Paris, Bruxelles | Hufkens Bruxelles | Hutton New York | Hyundai Seoul, Paris | I | Interim Art London | Invernizzi Milano |
Gallery & Studio is a rather sales and distribution network. Glass Masters, and the J | Jablonka Köln | Jacobson London, San Francisco | Janssen Michael Köln | Janssen Rodolphe Bruxelles |
new establishment, it has The needs and desires of each contribution of contemporary Johnen/Schöttle Köln, München | Jopling London | Juda London | K | Kaplan New York | Kargl Wien | Kelly New York | Kerlin Dublin |
already earned accolades client are personally seen to. artists, with their endlessly Kicken Berlin | Kilchmann Zürich | Klosterfelde Hamburg, Berlin | Klüser München | König Wien | Koyama Tokyo | Koyanagi Tokyo |
for its productions in the The gallery has its own website imaginative projects and Kraus New York | Krinzinger Wien | Krohn Badenweiler | Krugier Genève, New York | Kukje Seoul | Kulli St. Gallen | L | L.A. Frankfurt |
art field. In fact Marco Polo designs and their plethora L.A. Louver Venice | La Città Verona | Lahumière Paris | Lambert Paris | Landau Montreal | Lelong Zürich, Paris, New York |
Linder Basel | Lisson London | Löhrl Mönchengladbach | Lorenzo Madrid | Lowenstein Miami, Buenos Aires | Luhring Augustine New York |
Glass Gallery & Studio was of expressive languages, to M | m Bochum Bochum | Mai 36 Zürich | March Valencia | Marconi Milano | Marks New York |
founded with the ambitious The Marco Polo Glass Gallery the development of the art Marlborough Zürich, Boca Raton, London, Madrid, New York, Santiago | Mathes New York | Maubrie Paris | Mayer Düsseldorf, Berlin |
aim of creating unique Murano & Studio works with master of glass sculpture. Mayor London | McKee New York | Meert Rihoux Bruxelles | Meier San Francisco | Metro Pictures New York | Meyer Riegger Karlsruhe |
glass works by contemporary glass blowers such as Pino Meyer-Ellinger Frankfurt | Minini Brescia | Miro London | Mitchell-Innes & Nash New York | Modern Institute Glasgow |
artists. Signretto, Andrea Tagliapietra, The Marco Polo Glass Gallery & Moeller New York | Müller Zürich | Munro Hamburg | N | nächst St. Stephan Wien | Nagel Köln, Berlin | Nahmad Helly London |
Gianni Seguso and Oscar Studio has always subscribed Nelson Paris | Neu Berlin | neugerriemschneider Berlin | New Art Centre Salisbury | Nolan/Eckman New York |
Nordenhake Stockholm, Berlin | Nothelfer Berlin | O | OMR Mexico | Orangerie-Reinz Köln | Oxley9 Sydney |
Today, alongside the works Zanetti, who work on and to a phenomenological, P | PaceWildenstein New York | Pailhas Marseille | Painter Santa Monica | Pauli Lausanne | Paviot Paris | Persano Torino |
already part of their catalogue, bring to life artists’ designs. as opposed to a merely Petzel New York | Piccadilly London | Prats Barcelona | Produzentengalerie Hamburg | Protetch New York | Pudelko Bonn |
this gallery-firm proposes historical, approach to the R | Reckermann Heidi Köln | Regen Projects Los Angeles | Reynolds London | Ricke Köln | Ropac Salzburg, Paris | Rosen New York |
series of object-sculptures Rodolfo Sezzi (current president artistic dimension of glass. S | S65 Aalst | SCAI Tokyo | Scalo Zürich, New York | Scheibler Köln | Schipper & Krome Berlin | Schlégl Zürich | Schulte Berlin |
conceived by well known and founder of the Marco Polo Therefore, the gallery refuses ShanghART Shanghai | Shimada Tokyo | Shugoarts Tokyo | Sikkema New York | Skarstedt New York | Skopia Genève |
artists and designers (such Glass Gallery & Studio) launched to comply to fashion and Sonnabend New York | Sperone Westwater New York, Roma, Milano | Sprüth/Magers Köln, München | Stähli Zürich, Köln | Stampa Basel |
as Joseph Kosuth and the Marco Polo Glass Gallery its whims but rather aims Starmach Kraków | Stein Milano | Stolz Berlin | Strelow Düsseldorf | Strina São Paulo | Svestka Prague | Szwajcer Antwerpen |
Richard Meier, among many & Studio as one of the major to offer a broad spectrum T | Tanit München | Tàpies Barcelona | Tega Milano | Templon Paris | Thomas München | Thorens Basel | Tolksdorf Frankfurt |
Torch Amsterdam | Trisorio Napoli | Tschudi Glarus | U | Utermann Dortmund | V | van Orsouw Zürich | Verna Zürich | Villepoix Paris |
others), as well as by younger contemporary glass sculpture of styles and methods. W | Waddington London | Wallner Copenhagen | Walter Basel, Zürich | Wang Oslo | Washburn New York | Weber Jamileh Zürich |
talents who have found an and design companies. Sezzi’s Instead of classifying art, Weiss Berlin | Welters Amsterdam | Werner New York, Köln | Woerdehoff Paris | Wuethrich Basel | Y | Young Chicago |
international visibility thanks main priority has always been which has always impeded Z | Zeno X Antwerpen | Ziegler Renée Zürich | Zwirner New York | Zwirner & Wirth New York |
to the exhibition programme to investigate the state of its evolution, the Marco Polo Art Edition, Galleries | Alexander New York | Art of this century Paris, New York | Artelier Graz | Cramer Genève | Cristea London |
Marco Polo Glass Gallery & current trends in the glass Glass Galley & Studio has Crown Point San Francisco | Fanal Basel | Gemini Los Angeles, New York | Item Paris | Knust München | Lapis Los Angeles |
Studio has scheduled (Fragile art world and its relationship sought to vigilantly observe Lelong Editions Paris, Zürich, New York | Nitsch New York | Noire San Sebastiano Po-Torino | Pace Prints New York | Paragon London |
Beauty, Vasi Comunicanti) with other arts. From this and take its inspiration from Polígrafa Barcelona | Putman Paris |
over the last two years.Many perspective, the Marco Polo the contemporary art scene. Art Statements, Artists, Galleries | Saâdane Afif Rein, Paris | Kader Attia Mennour, Paris | Jan De Cock Welters, Amsterdam |
of these creations combine Glass Gallery & Studio and Lara Favaretto Noero, Torino | Chris Johanson Roberts & Tilton, Los Angeles | Sven't Jolle Lohaus, Antwerpen |
the fascination of the antique Rodolfo Sezzi’s precise intent The Marco Polo Glass Gallery& Friedrich Kunath BQ, Köln | Robert Melee Kreps, New York | Nicolas Moulin Valentin, Paris | Saskia Olde Wolbers Stigter, Amsterdam |
tradition with very modern is not only to give value, but Studio team assist their artists Florian Pumhösl Krobath Wimmer, Wien | Eva Rothschild Modern Art, London | Monika Sosnowska Foksal, Warszawa |
creativity: the goal is to also to re-organize, ordinate in any way possible to ensure Catherine Sullivan Bastide, Brussels | Padraig Timoney Raucci/Santamaria, Napoli | Gary Webb The Approach, London |
propose and renew the art and give a tangible touch of their projects attain the highest Eric Wesley China Art Objects, Los Angeles |
object itself, especially in modernity and noble prestige possible qualitative levels of Art Film | Art Unlimited | List in formation, Index April 03
the area of interior design to the extraordinary adventure expression. Our team work The catalogue will appear in May 2003 | Orders: Tel. +49/711-44 05 204, Fax +49/711-44 05 220,
settings.Each piece is signed of the Murano glass culture, hand in hand with artists,
by the artist, numbered and bringing it well and truly into constantly testing the glass’s
accompanied by a certificate the 21st century. There is no fluidity and temperature, inner The Art Show – Die Kunstmesse
of authenticity. question that Marco Polo tension and resistance – only Art 34 Basel, MCH Messe Basel AG, CH-4005 Basel
the best technical result Fax +41/58-2062686,,
will do.
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