Page 187 - Contemporary Art and Old Masters
P. 187

Third Day, Six th Stor y
         Ricciardo  is  a  married  man,  but  he  has  fallen  in  love  with  Catella,   intend to meet in a Turk ish bathhous e. Ins tead, Ricciardo go es
         w ho is married to Filipp ello. She is jealously p os ses sive of her   t o t h e b a t hh o us e a n d p re t en ds t o b e C a t ella’s hus b a n d. W h en
         husband and Ricciardo uses this to his advantage. He convinces   she  discovers she  has slept with Ricciardo and  not Filippello, he
         Catella that his wife is having an af fair with her husband, and they   convinces her to continue their af fair.

         Ninth Day, Tenth Story
         Pietro da Tresanti and Father Gianni di Barolo are friends who stay   can carry more to and from the market, and make more money. Gianni
         in each other’s houses when they travel on business. Pietro’s wife   uses this as a way to have sex with Pietro’s wife: he orders her to strip
         Gemmata always says she will stay at a friend’s house so Father Gianni   and get down on all fours. Pietro is to say nothing, or the spell will not
         doesn’t have to sleep in the straw with his mare. But Gianni says he   work.  Gianni caresses  her body,  exciting  himself.  When he puts  his
         knows a spell that can “turn a mare into a woman.” Gemmata stupidly   “tail” into Gemmata, Pietro objects. The spell “fails” and Gemmata is
         asks Pietro to learn the spell so he can turn her into a horse so they   displeased with her husband.

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