Page 206 - Contemporary Art and Old Masters
P. 206

Expressing his vision for the 13th Shanghai Biennale,
                                                              Jaque said: “It will be my priority that the city of
                                                              Shanghai is not only a venue but also a fundamental
                                                              actor in the discourse, content, and experience of
                                                              the Shanghai Biennale. I very much look forward to
                                                              working with agile artists to develop new productions
                                                              in response to specific sites. New commissions will
                                                              also be conceived with Shanghai-based groups,
                                                              collectives, associations, or professionals, as a way to
                                                              assemble different kinds of sensitivity and knowledge
                                                              through art-making, and moreover, as a way to
                                                              empower the legacy the Biennale leaves for the social
                                                              tissues the city is constituted on.”
         After careful consideration and with the broad support
                                                              His work is part of the collection of MoMA in New
         from the Academic Committee of the Power Station
                                                              York and the Art Institute of Chicago, among many
         of Art, as well as receiving confirmation from the
                                                              others major museums around the world, and has
         Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and
                                                              been exhibited in international biennales, highlights
         Tourism, Spanish curator, architect, and writer Andrés
                                                              including Venice, Sao Paulo and Gwanju; he has also
         Jaque has been appointed the Chief Curator of the
                                                              developed projects with many of the most important
         13th Shanghai Biennale. The exhibition will be held at
                                                              cultural organizations around the world, including
         the Power Station of Art from November 13, 2020 to
                                                              Victoria & Albert Museum, Het Nieuwe Instituut,
         March 28, 2021.
                                                              London Design Museum, MoMA PS1, Columbia
                                                              University, Princeton University. His publications
         Born in Spain in 1971, Andrés Jaque currently lives in
                                                              include: ‘Superpowers of Scale’ (2019), ‘Transmaterial
         New York and works as the Director of the Advanced
                                                              Politics’ (2017), ‘Transmaterial /Calculable’ (2017),
         Architectural Design Program at Columbia University.
                                                              ‘PHANTOM. Mies as Rendered Society’ (2013).
         In 2013, Jaque founded the Office for Political
         Innovation, based in New York and Madrid, which
                                                              ABOUT THE SHANGHAI BIENNALE
         operates at the intersection between architecture
                                                              Launched in 1996, the Shanghai Biennale is not
         and art, focusing on the exploration of how different
                                                              only the first international biennial of contemporary
         bodies, technologies, and environments converge to
                                                              art in mainland China but also one of the most
         form interspecies alliances.
                                                              influential art events in Asia. In 2012, the Power
                                                              Station of Art became the organizer and permanent
         Cooking Sections (Collective), Traces of Escapees, 2021, Removal of salmon   venue of the Shanghai Biennale. From ‘Open Space’
         from food establishment, introduction of CLIMAVORE dish, 4-channel film   in 1996, to ‘Inheritance and Exploration’ in 1998,
         installation, originally commissioned by SALT Beyo″lu, Istanbul, in 2021,
         installation view at the 13th Shanghai Biennale PHASE 03: AN EXHIBITION,   ‘Spirit of Shanghai’ in 2000, ‘Urban Creation’ in
         2021. Courtesy Power Station of Art, photo by Chen Ha  2002, ‘Techniques of the Visible’ in 2004, ‘Hyper
                                                              Design’ in 2006, ‘Translocalmotion’ in 2008,
                                                              ‘Rehearsal’ in 2010, ‘Reactivation’ in 2012, ‘Social
                                                              Factory’ in 2014, ‘Why Not Ask Again’ in 2016,
                                                              and ‘Proregress’ in 2018, the Biennale has always
                                                              maintained Shanghai as its primary locus, upholding
                                                              the mission of supporting academic and cultural
                                                              innovation, while continuously tracking social
                                                              evolution and trends in knowledge production in
                                                              a global context with an open view. Gathering in
                                                              Shanghai every two years, the Biennale has also
                                                              become a large-scale platform for the international
                                                              presence and exchange of contemporary art.

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