Page 215 - Contemporary Art and Old Masters
P. 215

Host: ARIC CHEN                                      imagination in literature and movies. This forum discusses
         Designers: SPUTNIKO! THOMAS THWAITES, ERIC           body of water from the perspective of literature and film,
         KLARENBEEK, CHEN YIYUN, DOGMA LAB (BENJAMIN          extending from river waters to the ecological cycle of
         BACON AND VIVIAN XU)                                 water, deeper into the spirit of social organizations and
         Investors: JERRY MAO, ART DICKER, HARRY HUI, YI      people, and exploring the symbiosis between different
         ZHOU                                                 ethnic groups. Also, it expands individual experience and
                                                              imagination to the macro experience of human existence.
         In a time of increasingly complex problems, alternate
         and parallel narratives, and contested notions of the   WORKSHOPS
         future, can speculative design and capital - and their
         shared oscillations between fact and fiction, real   CAO MINGHAO, CHEN JIANJUN: “HABITAT,
         and fake, tangible and illusory -conspire to generate   GEOLOGY AND ENER GY”
         desirable scenarios for humankind and the planet?    Screening
                                                              SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION OF HENGDUAN
         As part of the Biennale’s “*A* WET RUN REHEARSAL”
                                                              MOUNTAINS - ARID RIV ER VALLEY
         series of talks in November 2020, Smart Tank aims to
                                                              35MM, COLOURED, CHINESE, SHANGHAI FILM S TUDIO
         speculate about speculation, be it artistic or financial.
         Similar to Shark Tank, it will provide a platform
                                                              “Habitat, Geology and Energy” is a workshop for
         for approximately 5 artist-designers to pitch their
                                                              artists Cao Minghao and Chen Jianjun to discuss
         speculative proposals -whether growing buildings from
                                                              how to think about the theological reality of the
         mushrooms, or developing devices for interspecies
                                                              water system with ecologist Tong Chunfu and
         communication -to a live panel of (real) investors
                                                              the participating audience. The artists’ long-term
         and venture capitalists. Each artist will be given 8
                                                              artistic practice and research project “Plan of Water
         minutes to introduce themselves and their proposals,
                                                              System”, which began in 2015, is mainly based
         followed by questions from the investor panel. At the
                                                              on the on-spot investigation to re-examine the
         end of the presentations, the investors will decide
                                                              rheological reality of the upper and lower reaches
         how to allocate 10 million RMB (not real) to the most
                                                              of the Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project. In the
         promising proposals.
                                                              upper reaches of the Minjiang River and its source
         Designers: SYMPTOMATIC OF COMPLICIT FORGETTING,      area, the geological and geographical environment
         BY WANG TUO; THARLO BY PEMA TSEDEN                   is extremely complex. Combined with the research
         Panelists: MAO JIAN, WANG TUO, PEMA TSEDEN           and field investigation in this region, the artist
                                                              imagines the important role of geological energy in
         Through the symbiotic experience of “bodies of water,”   the upper reaches of the Minjiang River. There are
         human beings have condensed into a kind of narrative   “foundation, disasters, cooperation, conflicts”.
                                                              The projects and historical events of the human
         Dai Chenlian, Waxing and Waning of the Augustness 3, 2020-2021,   society born in this region have also been integrated
         painting, installation, 365 × 435 cm each, installation view at the 13th   into some forces other than human beings. When we
         Shanghai Biennale PHASE 03: AN EXHIBITION, 2021. Courtesy Power
         Station of Art, photo by Chen Hao.                   re-examine the rational progressive modernity, the
                                                              existing technology fails to reduce the ecological
                                                              anxiety, and the on-the-ground reality of the
                                                              pluralistic habitat is obscured by the absolute
                                                              concept of “nature”.
                                                              When we are anxious to ”face the environmental
                                                              reality of global, local and marginal” corners, we
                                                              may need to re-look at the human activities and
                                                              historical structure of this region to understand the
                                                              relationship between the plight of contemporary
                                                              water systems and the ecological roots of other

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