Page 91 - Contemporary Art and Old Masters
P. 91
Coming from an Eastern culture and having no background in of haystacks did to Kandinsky. Kandinsky did not recognize
Greek mythology, I find it difficult to follow Homer’s Odyssey what he saw in Monet’s painting was about haystacks. Instead,
and Iliad. But since they are part of the literary canon, I he saw something far more intriguingly powerful. That was the
decided to listen to them via LibriVox. Fortunately, the texts are interplay of colors, forms, lines, volumes and movements.
translated into English. I associate realism in the visual art to journalism and abstract
As I listened, it didn’t disappoint me at all for not being able to art to poetry. My search in the visual art is spirituality,
capture the stories in good order. Instead, I found what I heard intellectualism and aesthetics. I draw my inspirations
to be absolutely beautiful. It was the excellent use of language from literature, classical music, stage designs, vocal art,
with words and phrasing that electrified me. choreographic lines in ballet and modern dance. I strive to
What the beautiful writings in Odyssey and Iliad did to me could make visual poems and I hope my works will bring happiness
be what the little strokes of colorful paints in Monet’s painting and peace to others.