Page 205 - La Biennale di Venezia 2022 issue of World of Art Contemporary Art Magazine
P. 205
The Golden Ass, Book Five with her husband. Then Jupiter transforms Psyche into a goddess. That
The elderly woman continues telling the story of Cupid and Psyche. is the end of the tale. Lucius the ass and Charite escape from the cave
Cupid, Venus's son, secretly protects Psyche; Cupid becomes Psyche's but they are caught by the thieves, and sentenced to death.
mysterious husband, who is invisible to her by day and only visits her at
The Golden Ass, Book Seven
night. Psyche's jealous sisters arouse her curiosity and fear about her
A man appears to the thieves and announces that he is the renowned
husband's identity; Psyche, against Cupid's commands, looks at him by
thief Haemus the Thracian, who suggests that they should not kill the
lamplight which wakes Cupid; Cupid abandons Psyche, who wanders in
captives but sell them. Haemus later reveals himself secretly to Charite
search of him, and takes revenge on her wicked sisters.
as her fiancé Tlepolemus, and gets all of the thieves drunk. When they
The Golden Ass, Book Six are asleep he slays them all. Tlepolemus, Charite and Lucius the ass
The elderly woman finishes telling the story of Cupid and Psyche, as safely escape back to the town. Once there, the ass is entrusted to a
Psyche is forced to perform various tasks for Venus with the help of horrid boy who torments him but the boy is later killed by a she-bear.
Cupid and an assortment of friendly creatures, and is finally reunited Enraged, the boy's mother plans to kill the ass.
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