Page 174 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 174

Ramón Rivas, initiator of the artistic movement Rivismo,   of humanity have come together in “pills” of real and surreal
         proposes a creative act that consciously “reviews” the   geometric forms, a fabric of surreal art in which intense
         mechanisms of development of human genius, respecting a   connections predominate among colors, shapes, symbols and
         preset order from the genetic code of things, as assemblies   meanings. His work is a reflection of his vision of the world,
         reordered according to an intrinsic determinism of animated   a fusion of reality and fantasy, a celebration of diversity and
         or inanimate matter. The rivismo of Ramón Rivas is a   harmony. He invites the viewer to explore his creations and
         mechanistic code in which the cultural and scientific treasures   discover the hidden messages and stories behind them.

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