Page 187 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 187

Sinikka Elfving is a Nordic painter. She is born in Finland, lives and
         SECRET GARDEN, 2022 MIXED MEDIA ON PAPER 19.6X19.6 IN. | 50X50 CM.  works in Norway. In her Art she uses symbols found in Nature. In that
        FINE ART CULTURE  ENIGMA, 2022 MIXED MEDIA ON PAPER 19.6X19.6 IN. | 50X50 CM.  scenes created of her own imaginary landscapes.  She has participated
                                                              way her art becomes lyrical and spiritual expressionistic. She paints

                                                              in many International Art fairs, Biennales and exhibitions in museums
                                                              and galleries in two continents, Europe and USA There are works
                                                              of her art in two museums, European Art Museum Frederikvaerk
                                                              Denmark and Metropolitan Gallery/ Art Museum Las Vegas USA.

                                   SINIKKA ELFVING
                                   Lives and works in Hokksund, Norway

         Sinikka Elfing’s artistic approach is basicly focused on   contrasts. Sinikka’s pictures expose and explore an invisible
         colour’s representation.                             conscience which whirls under awareness’surface- both hers
         Her brushes followed her everywhere since her childhood.   and audience’s one. Brush strokes on canvas are regular and
         Since then, she continually investigated capability of this   many consider her art as a process of musical painting. Her
         tool, by trying to give liveliness and contrast to her subjects.   works are inspired by brightness of experimental, realistic,
         She realized her Works mainly on portraits and characters   surrealistic or abstract colours and of moods. She tests
         for a long time. Acrylic became her most fitting mean in   several materials and colours in her more and more abstract
         order to “ play” with these effects of awesomeness. Acrylic   pictures. They often represent her same mood. Her works
         is always amazing, controllable and very powerful if you   are created in a genuine creative process. It’s colours’ and
         can express its full capabilities whether in raw and mixed   forms’ charm. Sinikka tries to give a meditative energy to
         form. She starts a piece with such a colour or a form : from   her Works. They are planned to give a sense of powerful
         then on she follows what she sees and goes wherever her   silence to the spectator. She mixes up a gurgling energy with
         fantasy carries her. It is about monitoring all colours which   a peace of mind. Meeting with this factors provokes charm
         will intervene on a given point of support only by the logics   of her work. What pushes her towards art has always been
         of its gradual drying. Her approach is genuine. Once she   an incredibile will to dive in colours and forms by provoking
         starts painting, she has not a plan and she does not know   peace of mind, strenghtness and only by making her
         where the picture will go until it is in progress Artistic   biggest joy. Her art teaches us tollerance and respect. It is
         suggestion requires to meditate on the artist’s hand who   a combination of careful patience and spontaneity and asks
         carries on creation, trying to obtain this advice in framing,   for a full personal commitment of all the being.
         in colours’harmony, in line’ spontaneity and in power of            Maria Grazia Todaro, Art Director and Critic

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