Page 30 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
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history of art through Cubism, abstraction, primitivism, and
        WORLD-CLASS ART                                       fertilization in Picasso’s oeuvre. Although it was his least
                                                              the found object, showing the evident cross-disciplinary

                                                              known production at the time of its execution, numerous
                                                              photographs of Picasso’s studios and residences testify
                                                              to the constant presence of sculpture in his most intimate
         MATTER AND BODY                                      surroundings. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao presents
                                                              Picasso Sculptor. Matter and Body, an exhibition centered
         Exhibitions: Picasso Sculptor. Matter and Body, September 29,   on matter and the human figure that brings together
         2023, to January 14, 2024. Curator: Carmen Giménez, with the   more than 50 sculptures created between 1909 and
         participation of Lucía Agirre. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.  1962 and covers the full range of styles used by Pablo
                                                              Picasso throughout his career to represent the forms of
                                                              the human body. Testing the limits between sculpture and
         THE EXHIBITION AND THE ACCOMPANYING EDUCATIONAL AND   painting, and those between project and finished work, this
         PUBLIC ACTIVITIES ARE ORGANIZED WITH THE SUPPORT OF   journey through nearly sixty years of Picasso’s sculptures
         THE NATIONAL COMMISSION TO COMMEMORATE THE FIFTIETH   constitutes a historical survey of Cubism, abstraction,
         ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF PABLO PICASSO AS PART OF   primitivism, and the found object. The exhibition also
         THE PICASSO CELEBRATION 1973–2023, WITH TELEFÓNICA AS   showcases some of Picasso’s most innovative techniques,
         THE CORPORATE PARTNER COMPANY IN SPAIN.              such as assemblage, welding, and plaster casting, as well
         Picasso created sculptures throughout nearly his entire   as his use of unconventional materials, such as wood,
         artistic career with the freedom of a self-taught artist   metal, clay, and ceramics. The exhibition aims to reveal the
         prepared to break all the rules. This survey of nearly sixty   diversity and richness of Picasso’s sculptural work and to
         years of sculptural work is a unique approach to the   highlight its profound impact on modern art.

         Pablo Picasso. Figure: Project for a Monument to Guillaume Apollinaire, 1928, Iron   Pablo Picasso. Head of a Woman, Mougins, late 1962, Cut, folded, and polychromed
         wire and sheet metal 59.5 × 13 × 32 cm. Musée national Picasso-Paris. Dation   sheet metal and iron wire, 32 × 24 × 16 cm. Musée national Picasso-Paris. Dation
         Pablo Picasso, 1979. MP265. © Sucesión Pablo Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023.   Pablo Picasso, 1979. © Sucesión Pablo Picasso, VEGAP, Madrid, 2023. Photo © RMN-
         Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (Musée national Picasso-Paris) /Adrien Didierjean.  Grand Palais (Musée national Picasso-Paris) /Adrien Didierjean/Mathieu Rabeau.

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