Page 5 - World of Art magazine (2000)
P. 5

world of art

                                                               i n t e r n at i o n a l  a r t M a g a z i n e
                                                               c o n t e M po r a r y  a r t l e x i c o n
                                                              Editor and Publisher petru russu

                                                                                   spEcial issuE 2000

                                                                        Creative &
                                                                   Managing Director  PetrU rUssU
                                                                 Contributing Editors  andrea PaGnes
                                                                                   andrian siLvan ionescU
                                                                   Editorial Director  Marta diMitrescU
                                                                   Editorial Assistant  Janna BorG
                                                                       Art Director  art addiction
                                                                          Designer  Pr
                      world of art
                                                                                   JoaKiM Zaar
                                                                                   aLon reicH israeli representative
                                                                                   BaiBa JaMes australian representative
                                                                                   eLLen HiLts-Gossett usa director
                  contemporary                                   Customers Relations  Jason Lee south korea representative
                                                                                   Lars KarLstrÖM European representative
                                                                                   Lena KeLeKian lebanon representative
                                                                                   nasrin Zar afsHan iranian representative
                                                                                   eriK faBre
                                                                   Business Manager
                  art lexicon                                          Editorial fax  quarterly in January, april, July and october.
                                                                                   Werner sLoMan
                                                                                   World of art issn 1404-3408 is published
                                                                                   +46 8 85.72.64
                                                                                   +46 8 85.72.64
                                                                                   +46 8 85.72.64
                                                                       To subscribe
                                                                                   world of art, Mörbylund 19, 9tr se-182 30
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                                                                                   mörbylund 19, 9tr sE-182 30 danderyd
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                                                                        Typography  vectora  heads, captions, text brod,
                                                                                    saBon text
                                                                      Separations &
                                                                           Printing  sirivatana interPrint  PUBLic co., Ltd
                                                                        First Cover  andrea Zanatta photograph

                 See for yourself
                 in the attached
                 Special Issue of
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                                                                                        spEcial issuE 2000     world of art       3
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