Page 145 - "he 2020 Guggenheim issue of World of Art Contemporary Art Magazine
P. 145

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Neuroscientist. Former Fellow of von   Consequently, by asking how to develop this energy in the face of the
         Humboldt Foundation, DAAD, British Royal Society, Ford Foundation,   complexity of the world, questioning the need for free mental space,
         Foundation´s Fund for Research in Psychiatry, former Full Professor   man is experiencing a journey where reality and the virtual go hand in
         (tenured) at College of Medicine (USF, FL USA). Fiction writer. Several   hand: two dimensions which are no longer disjoined, in that the virtual
         local and regional art exhibits and awards. A work of art is thus the end   is nothing other than an “as-if” reality. Now, the contents aspect of
         result of a specific process – possessing a specific form and aesthetic,   any work of art lie in the presupposition that the artist is in fact able to
         it serves no purpose except that of channeling a very specific form of   explain the most concealed of man’s movements and desires. Once
         energy. It is always a sort of communicative performance. It allows   this clarity has been acquired, the artist can purposefully use the
         man to plumb his own conscience and to void it. In fact, it is only within   talent he has been given. His raw material will always be the conscious
         empty spaces that energy is able to unleash its own creative force.  awareness of his own energy, his mental resources. (Excerpt)

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