Page 100 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 100

MoMA  In thIs suMMer’s

                           bIg exhIbItIon,
               ThE mUSEUm OF mOdERn ART In nEW yORK

           resIstAnce, ModernA
               momA mEETS mOdERnA 1960-2000

              Museet co-operAtes

             wIth the MuseuM of

               Modern Art In new

             York. the exhIbItIon

        Is bAsed on the MoMA-

     productIon: the pAth of

  resIstAnce, whIch shows

      how Art hAs developed

   As A polItIcAl And socIAl

           force, froM the 1960’s

                                    tIll todAY.

           inGrid orfali, la CHutE d’aRIaNE/CHallENgE FOR BlOOdY BastaRds, 1986

                                              mOdERn mUSEUm STOCKhOLm 19.5-26.8 2001
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