Page 95 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 95
ARTisTic pROfiLe pALmi mARZAROLi /SITZErlAnd
art addiction VirtUal gallery T.&f. +46 8 85.72.64 WORks
The work of Palmi
Marzaroli is
characterized by the
strong expression of its
China ink colors.
Although taking his
inspiration mainly from
reality (landscapes, still
lives, figures), Marzaroli
do nor limit to it, by gaetano cristino
reducing to the essential
the naturalistic and
descriptive aspects.
In its paints are
essentially prevailing the
colors mote than
description itself. The
primary colors rise in
their splendor prevailing
on the content and
suggesting strong
Paints from Marzaroli
are in fact very often
a symphony of which
tones obtained from
clever dosing of
shadings prevail on
tonality, breaking the
objectives of the visual
perception into
aggregates of colors,
sending the spectator
back to his sensibility,
as if participant to the
happiness of creating,
and giving him the
chance through the
colors, of a double
experience, of
interaction between
external reality and
interior world.
Above: Paysage chromatique That is why “Italian
2000 Ink on paper landscapes”, “flower
cm. 60x80 / in. 23½x31½ pots” or figures of
oldsters and playing
right: Soleil d’Automne musicians, though
2000 Ink on paper recognizable, become
cm. 24x31 / in. 9½x12½
gradually painting
material, light, emotion
and finally reflection on
progressive indifference
of contemporary men on
nature and its fellow-
An alienation to which
only Art can give