Page 92 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 92

by Tamara Pasztor                                                       RevieW Of exhibiTiOns

            SPECTACULAR BODIES                 muscle  structure  and
            The ART AnD science                eighteenth-century
                                               wax models in which a
            Of The humAn bODy                  network of arteries and
            fROm LeOnARDO DA                   veins abound.
            vinci TO nOW                          In  the  next  section
            hAyWARD gALLeRy                    there  is  Marc  Quinn’s
            LOnDOn engLAnD                     Eternal  Spring  (1998)
           where red flowers are
               Exploration  of  the  secrets  of  the   preserved  in  frozen
                          natural world and the   silicone and a monumental
                          complex system of    spinal column encased in
                          the human anatomy    blown glass by katherine
                          have  captivated     dawson introduces the
                          physicians  and      second part to the show-
                          scholars for centuries.   human features.
                          from the Medieval       The  examination  of
                          and  renaissance     human  emotion  and
                          period, artists often   character  has  gripped
                          looked  upon  the    scientists  and  artists.
                          human  torso  as  a   In  theory,  the  state  of
                          figure  of  creative   mind  and  character  is  epitomized  in   Also, head measuring devices invented
                          inspiration. Twentieth-  facial  expression.  This  compelling   by francis galton in an attempt to justify
                          century  artisans    topic  of  outward  manifestations  is   that the measurement of head size and
                          still  consider  the   demonstrated in the works of art by   intelligence  is  possible  to  distinguish
                          Homo Sapien Sapien   franz  xavier  Messerschmidt  whose   human nature. Photographic portraits of
                          skeletal framework   alabaster  and  lead  heads  (1775)   inmates at Millbank Prison and Bethlam
                          as a visual art.     greet their audience with a                     asylum are set side by
                           This  exhibition    scowl, durer’s celebrated                       side with gericault’s The
            features treasures from eighty museums   Melancholia  (1514)  ,  and               kidnapper (1821-1824),
            and collections that incorporate paintings   Tony oursler’s crying doll            part  of  the  insane
            and  drawings  by  leonardo  da Vinci,   (1995).                                   portrait series.
            rembrandt,  durer,  Stubbs  and  eight      categorizing character                    American  artist
            contemporary artists, for instance, Bill   types by physical appearance            Beth  B’s.  installation
            Viola and christine Barlard.       in the nineteenth-century                       incorporates films of
               during the seventeenth and eighteenth   resulted in the formation of            hysterical  women,
            century, the medical profession glorified   the Edinburgh Phrenological            wax  models,  and
            in human dissection and in turn, painters   Society.  Eight  head  casts           nineteenth-century
            depicted dramatic group portraits of the   of criminals and prominent              restraining devices whilst
            surgeons at work. The infamous canvas,   men are displayed in this                 giving a lecture based
            The Anatomy  lecture  of  dr.nichlaes   exhibition. Amongst  the                   upon the practices of
            Tulp  (1632)  created  by  rembrandt   casts are Burke and Hare,                   dr.charcot.
            Harmenszoon van rijn. Here, rembrandt   the illustrious grave robbers.
            devised  a  virtuoso  performance  of
            movement,  light,  and  chiaroscuro.  In
            a sense, the spectator is drawn into a
            theatrical  atmosphere  and  observing
            the scalpel brush across the intestines
            of the deceased patient. In this case,                                    lEfT And ABoVE: lEonArdo dA VIncI
            the  Hayward  gallery  has  procured                                      drAWIng of THE TorSo And THE ArMS
                                                                                      froM THE AnAToMIcAl noTEBookS
            another eerie painting of rembrandt,                                      dATE UnknoWn
            Anatomy of dr.deijman (1656). on the
            other hand, human dissections were                                        lEfT And cEnTEr: THEodorE gErIcAUlT
            often  public  events  as  medicine  and                                  dATE UnknoWn
            science progressed.
               With painstaking minute detail, John                                   lEfT And BoTToM: AlBrEcHT dUrEr
            Issac’s video installation piece displays                                 MElAncHolIA
            footage  from  the  anatomy  theatre
            located  in  Padua  and  imagery  from                                    ABoVE: rEMBrAndT HArMEnSZoon VAn rIJn
            modern hospitals. clashes of two eras                                     THE AnAToMY lEcTUrE of dr.nIcolAES TUlP
            meet  as  twenty  sculptures  exposing                                    1632

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