Page 88 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 88

veRnissAge                                                              by Tamara Pasztor

                                                                                 RevieW Of exhibiTiOns

         ESSENCE OF AN ACTUAL               addition, still and moving pictures elucidate   panoramas of blustering squalls, nevertheless,
         WORLD                              human  nature  in  a  transcendent  manner.   there is a rudimentary mark of gestural images,
                                            This form of art opens the cimmerian region
                                                                                firm structure, and a naturalistic style.
         TRAcey TARLing                     admidst  the  physical  and  psyche  captured      In the main, for Bobbie Burgers, her works of
         bAu-xi gALLeRy                     in a single frame.                  art are wholly connected to colour.
         uppeR gALLeRy                         natalie  kovacs  seizes  upon  the  optical
         TOROnTO cAnADA
         “…In their vivid coloring of life,  segments of video and photographic dialogue
         As in that fleeting, shadows, misty strife  side  by  side  with  personal  observation.  By   michAeL kiLLen
         Of semblance with reality, which brings  utilizing still photography and loop frame grabs,   kennys gALLeRy
         To the delirious eye, more lovely things  the artist intersperses a metaphorical exhibition   gALWAy iReLAnD
         Of Paradise and Love-and all our own…”  of emotional closeness and distance.     Sculptor  Michael  killen
                       Edgar Allan Poe / Dreams     In conversation, the spectator is compelled   disseminates  a  classical
                     Tracey Tarling  accents  the   to enter the level of awareness in which the   antiquated  idiosyncrasy
                     cimmerian region, the twilight   intercommunication between the conscious   through his works of art.
                     division between the physical   and  subconscious  obtain  access  to  these   After  spending  four  years
                     body  and  the  existence  of   realms of possibility.     studying  sculpture  in
                                                                                dunlaoghaire  School  of
                     the psyche, in the works of      Video projections and light boxes challenge   Art,  (co.dublin,  Ireland),
                     art. In her strive for the idyllic   each other with frozen and moving pictures. In   the  artist  had  obtained  a
                     essential attributes of reality,   this case, kovacs manipulates focus and freeze   scholarship issued from the
                     the artist has seized upon the   by employing the reflective and binary procedure   Italian government in order   THE SWIMMEr
          And A nEglEcTEd                                                                            BronZE, 2001
            lookIng-glASS  subliminal recurrent nature of   with her camera.    to  extend  his  education   28x24 cM
         WATErcoloUr, 1868  Mankind where daily activity          The  point  of   in Italy at the Academy of
          15.2 cM x 11.4 cM
                     is interspersed with slumber          convergence In conversation   fine Arts (florence).
                     and repose.                           is the conception of human   Thenceforth, Michael relocated to Pietrasanta,
            Tarling  paints  with  oil,  solvent  transfers,   prospects,  affinity,  and   a town situated in the carrara/lucca region.
         charcoal, and graphite on plaster and wood.       fortitude within a captured   It was here, that Michael killen mastered the
                                                                                stone-carving technique from the giannoni family
         This  permits  the  artist  to  experiment  with   image.              in their workshop on the Via Aurelia.
         intangible aqueous depictions “like the single    “Moving and still pictures   resettling back in Ireland, the sculptor secured
         celled  creatures  and  plants  floating  in  the   WHIcH WAY ArE   is  the    Visual  meeting   his  workshop  in  Malahide  co.,  dublin.  A
                                                 YoU goIng To?  place of The Self and the
         murky,  liquid  pool  of  my  paintings…Time   dUrATrAnS PHoTogrAPH    majority  of  his  artistic  proficiency  is  within
         has  its  way. Time  what  calls  rain  the  fall   In lIgHTBox, 2001  documented reflection of   the  sphere  of  wood,  stone,  bronze,  and
         through  fingers,  no  matter  how  tightly  we   24” x 30”   the mortal Soul.”  graphic materials.
         hold  watery  truth.  In  the  remembering,  we                        Michael killen’s commissions range from large
         begin to forget.”                                                      public  pieces  and  small  private  collections.
            In  fact, Tracey’s  aesthetic  notion  is  not   FROM NEAR AND FAR  Possessing an aptitude to portray each and
         dissimilar from Victorian British painter, Eleanor   bObbie buRgeRs    every  mien  of  life,  Michael  probes  into  the
                                                                                motifs of the great famine of Ireland, Modern
         Vere  Boyle  (1825-1916). And A  neglected   bAux-ix gALLeRy           life, Music, and Wildlife.
         looking-glass  (1868),  this  whimsical,  yet   TOROnTO cAnADA         Inspired  by  the  Italian  renaissance  sculptor
         enchanting canvas offers a view of a broken   dignified in their soothing   donatello, there is a lyrical semblance existing
         glass nestled between an odd assortment of   and monochromatic palette   in  Michael’s  art.  Even  though  the  sculptor
         crawling ivy, dead foliage, a peacock feather,   scheme, the canvases of   is  not  imitating  donatello,  the  freedom  of
         microscopic  insects,  gossamer  wings  of  a   Vancouver  artist,  Bobbie   movement contrived by the renaissance master
         moth,  and  the  reflection  of  a  mouse.  Both   Burgers can be characterized   is apparent, for instance, children Playing and
         Boyle and Tarling (Within Sleep flight:dialogues   as being: “An image that will   cantoria (donatello). of course, the time frame
         Between  rest  and  light)  achieve  realism   flicker into my minds eye   and style is dissimilar. nonetheless, the two artists
         to  a  high  degree  of  intense  magnitude  in   like sheets of colour, wild,   display the same exquisite figural interaction,
                                                                                unity, and flowing movement.
         watercolour (Eleanor Vere Boyle) and mixed   loose-charcoal  drawings,   onE TIME
                                                                 AcrYlIc on cAnVAS, 2001   At  present,  Michael  killen  is  working  on  a
         media (Tracey Tarling) that their images conjure   delicious drips of paint, thick   32 x 24 In  commission for a fourteenth century norman
         an enhanced level of fantasy.      heavy brushstrokes…shaping          castle  in  Swords  (co.dublin). The  project  is
                                            into paintings that juxtapose what one sees   to gradually restore the citadel. on the other
                                            from a closer viewpoint to that of a faraway   hand, killen’s task is to design and carve six
         IN CONVERSATION                    image.” (-Bobbie Burgers).          grotesque animal heads for a five-foot span
         nATALie kOvAcs                        A  breadth  of  unconstrained  wakefulness   chandelier and secondly, to decorate the three
                                                                                beams which have a head at each end.
         AngeLL gALLeRy                     sweeps over Storm Passing in association with   The two works of art can be viewed at kennys
         TOROnTO cAnADA                     Watching The Tempest (Winslow Homer). Both   gallery  (galway,  Ireland).  Michael  killen’s
            The aesthetic rendition of photographic art   painters  bring  into  substance  an  unfolding   forthcoming exhibition at kennys gallery shall not
         has unveiled the sophistry of racial, cultural,   tale where the spectator is apt to compose   be announced until october 2002.
         and  numinous  ambient  circumstances.  In   the next stage, off the canvas.
                                               Even if Burgers and Homer portray opposite

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