Page 87 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 87


           beaks, eves, split circles
           and triangles are arranged
           in a myriad of patterns to
           be interpreted differently in
           each composition by every
           In both the large and small
           format, Szydlowski creates
           exuberant images of visual
           interplay between figure
           and ground. He respects
           the surface of his paintings
           by employing vibrant colors
           and patterns of interest.
           Black line is used to draw
           sufficient information
           suggestive of one object
           then moves on to hint at
           another, before the first is                      ABoVE: mAgic bRiDge in The hOT ciTy
           secured in the mind. And                          1999 oIl on cAnVAS
           figures are based on pup-                         94,5 x 150 cM, 37¼ x 59 In.
           pets, those inanimate forms
           that are enlivened only by
           an individual infusing them                       lEfT PAgE: LunATic fROm The fOReign fieLD
           with their own identity.                          1999 oIl on cAnVAS
           With all this Szvdlowski is                       100 x 75 cM, 39½ x 29½ In.
           able to hold the door to the
           imagination ~vide open so
           we easily go from the real                        BEloW: LAnDscApe WiTh The ReD hOuse AnD The gReen meADOW
           to the surreal and back.                          1999 oIl on cAnVAS
           Here one painting provides                        75 x 100 cM, 29½ x 39½ In.
           a multitude of images for
           the viewer. Each composi-
           tion can be read differently
           every time we view it as
           we re-interpret the parts
           to read as a new whole.
           For example on my initial
           approach to Lunatics From
           The World 0f My Imagina-
           tion I found a Harlequin, a
           man chewing on a piece of
           straw, and other wonders
           while on the second view-
           ing of the same painting
           there was a chicken, fish
           swimming in a field of
           blue-green grass, and the
           roof of my neighbor’s
           Get to this exhibition and
           let your imagination go
           on a carefree ride through
           Szydlowski’s serendipity
           all the while knowing it is
           artistically secure.
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