Page 82 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 82

ART in AusTRALiA                                                                           reVieWS

         selected to reflect strong social and political   cATching...The hARbOuR  ric shapes and startling splashes and swirls
         contexts - crucial to a german art audience -   21 JuLy - 10 febRuARy 2002  dominate his exuberantly colored and tactile
         as well as to represent new conceptual and   catching...the  Harbour  slips  beneath  the   canvases, transporting the viewer to a paral-
         technological innovations in photomedia.   surface of Sydney Harbour to explore the history,   lel world of dreams, fleeting ideas, and half-
         Artists represented include Pat Brassington,   archaeology, and diversity of marine life in the   captured thoughts.
         destiny deacon, Jane Eisemann, Anne ferran,   world’s most beautiful port. Blending science   like the forefather of abstract expressionism,
         fiona  foley,  Bill  Henson,  Peter  kennedy,   and  art,  catching...the  Harbour  illuminates   Jackson Pollock, Svein creates his masterpieces
         rosemary  laing,  fiona  Macdonald, Tracey   the continued importance of Sydney Harbour   in a horizontal position in his home studio in
         Moffatt, John nixon, Susan norrie, Mike Parr,   to its traditional owners and those who came   noosa, using layers of paint, palette knives,
         Patricia Piccinini and robyn Stacey.   with and after the arrival of the British.  four   trowels and sweeping movements to create an
         Peter kennedy’s wall installation was inspired   million people live on the shores of Sydney   explosion of brilliant colour and form.
         by the film Het Meisje Met Het rode Haar/The   and have no idea the history or inhabitants of   following in the tradition of this action painter, he
         girl with the red Hair (directed by Ben Verborg,   these famous waters.  drips and splashes paint onto the canvas, using
         1956) and formed part of a major installation                          almost any tool at his disposal to create intricate
         commemorating  major  public  events  of  the                          patterns and layers of color.
         20th century with its catastrophic human loss   ART gALLeRy Of WesTeRn   for Svein, inspiration for the works is derived from
         in the two World Wars.  It consists of disparate   AusTRALiA           the process of development and exploration,
         images including portrait photographs, movie                           well as the original idea.
         stills,  snapshots  and  forensic  images  of  the   pO box 8363, perth business centre  The Australian  countryside,  particularly  the
         suicide  of  the  family  of  a  notorious  nazi   perth WA 6849 Australia  desert and beach, architecture, human emotion
         commander  to  interpret  the  totality  of  loss   Tel +61 8 9492 6600  fax +61 8 9492 6655  and  the  beauty  of  nature  are  reoccurring
         during World War 11.               themes within his works.
         Tracey Moffatt’s most recent photo silkscreens,   Web:
         from  the  Invocations  series,  draw  upon  a   mOneT & JApAn
         broad  vocabulary  of  cartoon,  poster,  film   7 JuLy - 16 sepTembeR 2001  peRTh insTiTuTe Of
         and  fresco  devices  to  conjure  theatrical   organised by the national gallery of Australia   cOnTempORARy ARTs
         yet  dark  visions  of  contemporary  urban   in association with the Art gallery of Western
         Indigenous culture.                Australia, the exhibition will present Monet’s   (PIcA)
         current developments in scientific research   exploration  of  the  pictorial  possibilities  of   51 James street, perth cultural centre
         and  genetics  have  triggered  digital  artist,   Japanese art as a unique example of interchange   gpO box p1221 perth WA 6844
         Patricia  Piccinini’s  satirical  configuration  of   between  france  and  Japan.    33  paintings   Tel +61 8 9227 6144 fax+61 8 9227 6539
         iconic, cyber-pets as a means to investigate   by  Monet,  together  with  over  70  Japanese
         the  consumer  culture  of  fabricated  desire   woodblock prints, sketch-books, painted scrolls
         in advertising.                    and screens will be presented.
         This  exhibition  has  been  assisted  by  the                         JuLy 5 - AugusT 12
         commonwealth  government  through  the                                 cybeR cuLTuRes
         Australia  council,  its  arts  funding  and                           susTAineD ReLeAse cuRATeD by kAThy
                                                                                cLeLAnD fOR The cAsuLA
         advisory body                      svein kOningen                      pOWeRhOuse
         for  further  enquiries,  please  contact   cOnTempORARy sTuDiO        Melinda  rackham,  John  Tonkin,  Ian  Haig,
         nicola Vance,  marketing  manager,  Monash   gALLeRy                   The  lycette  Bros,  Maureen    lander,    John
         University  gallery. Tel:  9905  1632  or  email:   8 Dolphin crescent  fairclough, Martine corompt, leon cmielewski     noosa sound QLD 4567 Australia      and Josephine Starrs.
                                            Tel +61 7 5455 5282                 A  program  of  new  media  featuring  leading
                                                    new  media  artists  from    Australia,  new
         AusTRALiAn museum                                                      Zealand and the Uk.
         6 college street,
                                            A cOLOuR DReAm
         sydney, nsW 2010 Australia
                                            The WORks Of AusTRALiAn
         Tel: +61 2 9320 6000 fax: +61 2 9320 6068
                                            ARTisT svein kOningen
                                                             Vibrant  colour,  bold
         sisTeRs Of chARiTy 1838 - 2001                      shapes and raw energy
         30 June - 14 OcTObeR 2001                           are  the  signature
         The Sisters of charity are driven by two central    marks of contemporary
         principles-to live their lives in the service of    noosa-based artist Svein
         the poor and to minister where they find need,      koningen, who has the
         however  controversial. They  have  worked          unusual honor of being
         tirelessly for more than 150 years in the eastern   titled  an  ‘emerging
         states of Australia. Through a series of artefacts   Australian  artist’  at
         and photos, Sisters of charity 1838 to 2001         age 55.
         highlights their history and commitment  to         Shaded blocks, ridged
         the community while unveiling the mystery   BAlloonIng THE ElEMEnTS  rectangles,  sensual
                                            PolYMEr AcrYlIc on cAnVAS            PETSHoP
         surrounding the habit.                              movement,  geomet-  1998 cYBEr cUlTUrES
                                                     155 x 130 cM
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