Page 78 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 78
Art in Australia reVieWS
ART gALLeRy Of neW JOhn bRAck: insiDe AnD OuTsiDe
TRAveLLing exhibiTiOn
Art gallery Road 31 mAy - 29 JuLy 2001
The Domain, sydney 2000 Australia This exhibition displays the works of one of
Tel +61 2 9225 1744 Australia’s most intelligent and outstanding artists, whose penetrating gaze illuminated
aspects of Australian urban life. Born in
neW pAinTing in AusTRALiA: Melbourne in 1920, Brack first achieved
phenOmenA prominence in the 1950s. for over forty
23 June - 12 AugusT years, he was at the forefront of Australian
new Painting in Australia: Phenomena art and produced some of our most iconic
is the first in a series of three images. More than any other Australian artist
exhibitions organised by the of his generation, Brack was a painter of
Art gallery of new South Wales modern life - its starkness, its shadows, and
which will survey current painting its brooding self-reflection. There will be
practice by leading artists from ongoing drawing activities in association
around Australia - some familiar with the exhibition.
names, others not so well known.
The exhibitions will highlight
the relevance of Australian vincenT bROWn (1901- 2001)
painting to contemporary culture A cenTenARy TRibuTe
at the beginning of the new June 6 - 31 OcTObeR 2001
millennium. This focus display pays tribute to the late
from the enormous variety of Vincent Brown, the first local artist to fully
different painters and painting embrace and celebrate the modern movement
styles currently seen in Australia, in art. He was born in 1901 in fortitude Valley
the curator, Michael Wardell, into a migrant family from the dalmatian
has selected a group of fourteen coast in croatia, and he constantly sought
artists who are breaking new his subjects in the inner suburbs of Brisbane
grounds in their careers with and its river. from 1936 to 1939 he studied at
some of their best works to date. the Slade School and the grosvenor School
All are individuals, not part of a in london. during his career in Queensland
defined school, yet all share a Brown worked in oils, watercolours, drawing
concern for painting more than and print making, and was intensely involved
just a simulation of what is seen in designing and performing for the theatre.
by the eye. Above all, they This focus display is the gallery’s contribution
are concerned with notions of to Queensland day 2001.
poetry and beauty which can be
appreciated over and above their
conceptual concerns. pApeRWORks
AusTRALiAn ARTisTs expLORing
After viewing in Sydney, this DRAWing AnD The pRinTeD imAge
ABoVE: JEnnIfEr JoSEPH exhibition will travel to the Ian 7 June - 5 AugusT 2001
THE MArkS of ExISTEncE Potter gallery in Melbourne where it will
AcrYlIc And PEncIl on WoodEn TEA cHEST lIdS chosen from the gallery’s extensive collection
41x31cM, coUrTESY of THE ArTIST be on view from 24 november 2001 to of prints, drawings and photographs, this
20 January 2002. exhibition provides an ideal opportunity to
examine different approaches to drawing and
the printed image. The exhibition expands the
idea of drawing, by considering it as a primary
QueensLAnD ART and direct means of visually presenting ideas
gALLeRy and concepts in finished work, using paper
Queensland cultural Art centre as a base. It includes large-scale drawings
melbourne st by Bernhard Sachs, Peter kennedy and Ian
south brisbane qld 4101 friend; etchings by graham fransella, Aida
Tel +61 7 3840 7303 Tomescu and raymond Arnold; and a print / installation by Bonita Ely. Paperworks explores