Page 81 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 81
ART in AusTRALiA reVieWS
first substantial exhibition
13 JuLy - 21 OcTObeR 2001 of the Barr collection since
RObeRT mAcpheRsOn 1997, it includes work from
The most comprehensive survey yet held of one 1971 through to 2001. It
of Australia’s most respected contemporary includes works by Michael
artists. MacPherson’s work is bold, accessible, Parekowhai, Jeffrey Harris,
humorous and beautiful. Born in Queensland ricky Swallow, Mikala dywer,
in 1937, MacPherson’s art utilises the rich and colin Mccahon.
and colourful culture of his rural childhood,
working with subject matter and materials nAncy DWyeR:
that are intensely local, as well as engaging visiTing ARTisT’s
with an international dialogue. The language pROJecT
14 JuLy - 16 sepTembeR
of roadside signage, fruit and vegetable 2001
shops, street hobos and car enthusiasts nancy dwyer is prominent
is expressed in MacPherson’s paintings, among a new generation of
installations and sculptural works, which are American artists who fuse
regarded highly by international curators concrete poetry, painting and
and collectors.
sculpture to create imposing,
playful and subversive works
of word art.
DuneDin pubLic ART
gALLeRy & fROm LATe June
OTAgO seTTLeRs cOnes
come and see the new
museum permanent aerial sculpture by
31 Queens gardens the internationally renowned ABoVE: PATrIcIA PIccInInI
p O box 566, Dunedin Australia christchurch sculptor, neil dawson. cones ‘So2 (SocIAl STUdIES)’ 2000
Tel +61 3 474 3452 will consist of a soaring line of five conical 80.0 x 80.0 cM
shapes, constructed from different forms, coUrTESY THE ArTIST And
pOWeR peOpLe pLAce materials and colours and suspended high in TolArno gAllErIES, MElBoUrnE
This ongoing exhibition from the gallery’s the gallery’s three-story foyer.
permanent collection reveals some famous mOnAsh univeRsiTy
places and people, focusing on changes in mAgnum - OuR TuRning WORLD gALLeRy
the distribution of power. Your chance to 8 sepTembeR - 18 nOvembeR 2001
see the favourites. consisting of 350 photographs, this exhibition ground floor, building no 55
is a visual account of the end of the century, Wellington Road
fAbRicATiOn a personal interpretation of the world by cLAyTOn vic 3800 Australia
30 June - 26 AugusT 2001 56 photographers. It explores the large
In this exhibition, ten new Zealand artists range of different styles within documentary meDiA ReLeAse
and one Australian explore what it means photography. LighTness Of being:
cOnTempORARy phOTOgRAphic ART
to ‘fabricate’. from Mary Macpherson’s fROm AusTRALiA
intensely coloured photographs of garments AROunD The cLOck sTReeT ART 22 mAy - 7 JuLy 2001
to Ani o’neill’s woven starscape, these Video After dark, in the gallery’s front window Monash University gallery is delighted
works call on the colour and finesse of craft - changes monthly. rear Window, at 40 Moray to present the international touring
and applied art, and put a subversive spin Place. Showcasing fresh art, on the street exhibition, “lightness of Being: contemporary
on those traditions. and around the clock.
Photographic Art from Australia”, commencing
22 May 2001.
30 June - 26 AugusT 2001 OTAgO seTTLeRs museum The exhibition was curated last year for the
Blasts of light from nine exciting new Zealand neuer Berliner kunstverein nBk, Berlin by
artists. Stella Brennan fills tubs with light. OngOing exhibiTiOns Bernice Murphy, currently Vice-President,
Bill culbert spills a waterfall of light-tubes The museum’s permanent and temporary IcoM (International council of Museums),
across the floor. And Michael Parekowhai, exhibitions feature the rich cultural diversity Paris and former director, Museum of
in one of the gallery’s newest acquisitions, of otago’s people. contemporary Art, Sydney.
creates a virtual marae from fourteen The nBk is a major art centre located in the
seductively glowing lightboxes. fiLm ARchive former East Berlin, situated just northeast
A collection of films and documentaries with of the Brandenburg gate.
gOOD WORk: The Jim bARR AnD mARy a special emphasis on new Zealand social The lightness of Being exhibition now returns
bARR cOLLecTiOn history from The new Zealand film Archive to Australia after successfully touring to four
7 JuLy - 2 sepTembeR 2001 available to be viewed in comfortable and venues in germany including Berlin, Stuttgart,
good Work showcases Australian and new warm surroundings. chemnitz and Velbert.
Zealand art from one of the freshest and most Photographic works by 15 distinguished,
risk-taking art collections in new Zealand. The contemporary Australian artists have been