Page 77 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 77
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SaUerbrUch hUtton architectS Services Board” building on site and the other replacing it with
WinneRs Of inTeRnATiOnAL Design a completely new building.
Scheme 1 retains the existing building, earmarked for office
cOmpeTiTiOn fOR space, with the addition of new building, called the “rock”, to house
MUSEUM of conTEMPorArY ArT And a Moving Image center. A luminous glass “light box” hovers above
MoVIng IMAgE cEnTrE in syDney both buildings housing the new gallery space.
Scheme 2 embraces a totally new building that allows for a
sAueRbRuch huTTOn ARchiTecTs (Berlin / london) have been vast internal public foyer acting as an entry point to two cinemas
selected as architects for the ‘Museum of contemporary Art and constituting a Moving Image centre, and the new gallery space
Moving Image center’ (McA / MIc) in Sydney, Australia. The decision above. cafes, restaurants and bars align the waterfront at the
finalizes a process begun in August last year with the selection southern end of the building.
of five architectural practices. The four other architectural firms over the next six weeks both schemes will be on exhibition and
invited to present concept designs were richard francis Jones discussed by the public.
(Sydney), nonda katsalidis (Melbourne), rafael Moneo (Madrid) and The cost of development will be approximately 100 million
francesco Venezia (naples). Australian dollars.
The chairman of the McA Jury, Professor Wilfried Wang (Harvard), sauerbruch hutton architects are renowned for their designs of
said the Jury members believed the commissioning of such a cultural buildings, including the Photonics center, the gSW Headquarter
venue at West circular Quay in the Harbor of Sydney - arguably one Building and the german Headquarters of the British council
of the most beautiful sites in the world - was the most prominent in in Berlin.
Sydney since the opera House. The McA Jury comprised Professor recent rewards include the AIA (london) Excellence in design
Wilfried Wang, McA director Elizabeth Ann Macgregor, nSW Art (1996), the Erich Schelling Prize in Architecture (1998), rIBA Awards
gallery director Edmund capon, film-maker dr george Miller and london (1999 and 2000) as well as the Berlin Architecture Award
the lord Mayor of Sydney frank Sartor. 2000. sauerbruch hutton architects were nominated for the Mies
As part of a two stage jury process, the architects had submitted van der rohe Award for European
two schemes, one involving retention of the existing “Maritime Architecture as well as the World Architecture Award 2001.
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