Page 89 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 89

RevieW Of exhibiTiOns

                                             during his extensive sojourn in every part of   commerce, and subliminal messages that cater
                                             canada, John doyle integrated photographic   to the consumer-driven masses.
                                             records and subjective recollections to create   Taking  bits  of  tape,  found  texts,  and  other
                                             his  works  of  art. This  is  the  artist’s  second   components,  Butler  rephotographs  the
                                             solo exhibition.                    “advertisements”  in  order  to, “bring  them
                                                There is nothing quite as inspirational as the   back to their seductive and easily consumed
                                             serenity of the mountain. In Silcote corners,   medium of glossy photography.”
              MoUrnfUl rETUrn  HorSE And rIdEr  georgian Bay, doyle formulates a demonstrative   Within the same breath, Paul Butler suggests,
                  16 x 19 cM  15 x 18 x 7 cM  setting  in  which  the  spectator  experiences   “viewers  can’t  appreciate  art  unless  it’s
                cErAMIc/ 2001  cErAMIc /2001
                                             the  moisture  laden  and  refreshing  climate.   spoon  fed  to  them  in  the  same  form  as
         MINDSCAPES                          clouds  drifting  below  jagged  peaks  and   mass  media. All  I  can  say  in  response  is:
         seLmA mccORmAck                     verdant  wilderness  impart  a  soothing  effect   This is intentional.”
         kennys gALLeRy                      upon the soul.
         gALWAy iReLAnD                         A genesis of brilliant colour, orange Tree, Mill
            Artist Selma Mccormack utilizes her eminent,   Park Pond is a clever stratospheric and swirling   MAGNUM
         articulate representational style as a conduit   visual effects that can barely be imagined by an   OuR TuRning WORLD
         for  delving  into  the  formal  relationships  of   individual not familiar with this part of the country,   LOuisiAnA museum Of mODeRn ART
         colour,  texture,  shape,  and  line  in  order  to   shall be perceived as commonplace. Indeed,   humLebAek DenmARk
         confabulate  upon  the  question  of  abstract   it  is  a  challenge  to  capture  these  moments   The  camera  evolved  into
         expressionism. Then again, there is a hint of   on canvas.              a  substantial  instrument
         romano-celtic art.                  The Wanderer is reminiscent         of  reform  through  the
            A native to galway, Ireland, Selma began to   of a walk out-of-doors, where   photodocumentary in which
         sculpt in the 1980’s and has exhibited in the   every  sporadic  line  and   the personal lives of people
         oireachthas, r.H.A, Iontas, claremorris, r.U.A., The   colour  metamorphosizes   was  brought  forth  in  a
         caldwell, dublin (1991), carroll langford (1994),   into thickly foliaged willow   pictorial  essay.  Inside
         American Embassy (1996), and The kenny gallery,   trees,  twisting  footpath,   the  parameters  of  social
         galway (1995, 1998, and 2001).      reflective  water,  and             movements, photography   TokYo METro, 1996
            Someplace  In  St.Anne’s  is  an  intonation   a  luminous  firmament   orAngE TrEE, MIll PArk   effectuated  the  harsh   gUEorgUI PInkHASSoV
         of  Post-Impressionism.  In  spite  of  the  fact   peeking out from tangle of   Pond, 2000  realities of poverty, plague,   PHoTogrAPH
                                                                 AcrYlIc on cAnVAS
         that  Mccormack’s  fluid  brushwork  omits   greenwood.  16 x 16”       and mayhem.
         quintessential detail, nevertheless the painting                        Most specifically, this exhibition marks the
         transmits  an  entirety  of  the  scene  through                        fiftieth  anniversary  of  the  Magnum  Photo
         a pastel palette.                   THE POSITIVE MENTAL                 Agency. Subsequent to World War II Magnum
            Horse and rider conveys an inkling of the   ATTITUDE SERIES          Photos was initiated by Henri cartier-Bresson,
         romano-celtic  period. The  artist’s  ceramic   pAuL buTLeR             george rodger, david “chimi” Seymor, and
         piece can be paralleled to the Study of a Male   AngeLL gALLeRy         robert  capa. At  present,  the  organization
         deity and Tombstone of a cavalryman. Upon   TOROnTO cAnADA              incorporates approximately fifty-five members
         examination, the facial features of both the rider   It allows me to recycle   and headquarters situated in Paris, london,
         (Horse and rider) and the male romano-celtic   the garbage of mass media   Tokyo, and new York.
         celestial being are similar by the long, straight   to comment on the   four-hundred  images  accentuate  three
         nose, high (almost Etruscan) bone structure,   overwhelming amount of   significant themes: Persistent rituals (religious
         and  bulbous  eyes.  Hypothetically  speaking,   visual information we   and modern conventions), chronicle of chaos
         the cavalry motif, prominent in romano-celtic   consume everyday (Paul   (a broadening viewpoint of the Balkan warfare,
         funerary relief, for instance, Tombstone of a   A plum-tinted stratosphere   rwanda,  Middle  East,  and  gulf War),  and
         cavalryman  is  palpable  from  the  detached,   blanketed with white, fluffy   PAUl BUTlEr  Aesthetics  of  daily  life  (endorsement  of
         nonchalant stance and the creation of their   clouds softens an autumnal   gET A MoVE on  commonplace events). The display spans from
         own space.                                              2001            traditional war reportage to expressionistic
                                             sunset  reflected  upon  a
                                             serene pond. on the left side of the photograph,   representations of physical existence.
                                             a protest of scotch tape secures an optimistic   In  contextual  relationship  to  Magnum-our
         NEW PAINTINGS                       slogan taken from an advertisement.   Turning World, a small exhibit of photographic
         JOhn DOyLe                          The creativeness of Paul Butler is reminiscent   works  by  Joachim  ladefoged,  a  recent
         gALLeRy One                         of  the  eighties  photo-based  art  of  Barbara   member of the Magnum cooperative presents
         TOROnTO cAnADA                      kruger and david Wojnarowicz. In this instance,   an  anthology  of  tabulated  pictures  from
         Nature is a constant in our lives that can give   the  artist  is  utilizing  collage,  painting,  and   Albania. ranging from deprivation to political
         us a different perspective in an ever-changing   photograph  in  order  to  defy  categorization.   dissolution  of  the  Balkans,  ladefoged  won
         world and as a constant, it can reconnect us   nonetheless, Butler prefers to work in collage,   international  acclaim  on  the  basis  of  his
         back through time. John Doyl                                            book, Albanians.
                                             “mainly  because  of  it’s  accessibility  and
         A virtuoso of stirring landscape canvases, this                         Seizing upon a journalistic modus operandi,
         master painter ensnares the quintessence of                             the Magnum Agency illustrates the light and
                                             Also, it is imperative for the spectator to reach
         the natural realm with critical observation and                         dark facets of human nature. from an abstract
                                             the psychological zenith of social reality from which
         a vigorous palette.                                                     standpoint,  contemporary  photographers
                                             stems the rapid genesis of technology, science,
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