Page 90 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 90
RevieW Of exhibiTiOns
can be paralleled to cultural Anthropologists William Shakespeare, erstwhile sounds and sights of silver spoons
whose study of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens is The Tempest / Act V, Epilogue clinking on fine china, music, conversation,
connected to interrelationships, environment, centralizing her works of art within the literary honour, shame, gaslight radiating upon
and behaviour as a species. devices of the classical faerie tale, Edith cobblestones, and where the end justifies
Stipl distills the juncture of seduction, the means.
folly, and impulsive reaction on the part of neutralizing light and colour, Seding brings
THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES the protagonist trekking across unsettling depth and totality into being. His uniformity
NEW PAINTINGS cerebral landscapes. of style and subject is suggestive of german
new objectivity photography.
The supernatural empire of faeries appear
RiDuAn TOmkins as a secure haven to visit in juxtaposition to devoid of people, the structures articulate
gALLeRy One the complexities of the global ecosystem. humans as denizens of
TOROnTO Albeit, the faerie tale genre is a metaphorical architectural space.
Thought-provoking and representation of the nefarious primeval Velker Seding, born in
refined, the paradoxical human psyche and the perpetual curiosity 1943, Berlin, germany
elegance of artist riduan for nature. emigrated to canada in
Tomkins brings to the forefront Mystical woodlands and faerie folk present 1966. from 1961-1964,
a statement that appears to the physical manifestation of enchantment. Velker studied photography
be selfcontradictory upon for the most part, the antagonists portrayed in and cinematography under
the surface, on the other the narrative flit from sensation to sensation. Master photographer
hand, is true. Inherently shallow, the opponent[s] gratify their 12 PrAdo, HAVAnA, cUBA klaus Berger, Since 1975,
Born in England, Tomkins PrInTEd MArcH, 2000
ndScAPE (TWo TrEES And lust for sights, sounds, smells, and emotions SEPIA TonEd SIlVEr gElATIn Seding has been working
WATEr), 2000 relocated to canada in 1980 vicariously. fascinated by mortals, the 31 x 20” as an artist.
oIl on cAnVAS in order to teach at the
36 x 36 IncHE beings mimick and imitate every nuance
University of guelph. Thence, of human life by luring their prey into
his profession brought him to faerie mounds. NORTHWEST PASSAGE
the nova Scotia college of Art and design. for on the contrary, Stipl does not exude the
the entirety of the nineties, riduan became psychological and corporeal facets of the pAT fAiRheAD
senior lecturer in Painting at the University faerie tale; rather, it is the subconscious gALLeRy One
of canterbury, located in new Zealand before fulfillment for an escapist province of the TOROnTO
returning to canada in 1997. At present, fantastical. Time, history, and the fable Enlightened by her August
Tomkins is residing in Jakarta, Indonesia, are suspended. 1999 historical westward
engaging in a new project. “I’m not searching for folly in fairy tales course taken by explorers
Well-traveled like a national geographic as goya, Bruegheland, and Bosh did in life, franklin and Amundsen in
Journalist on assignment, riduan has exhibited especially in los disparates by goya. He search of a route across the
abroad, including the White chapel Art gallery found the folly present in Arctic ocean, Pat fairhead,
(England), Betty Parsons gallery (new York), and every social and mental on a russian icebreaker,
Belloc lawndes gallery (chicago). His canvases environment between beheld the hard-edged
can be viewed at The chase Manhattan Bank rich and poor, good and canadian wintry landscape dEVon ISlAnd, nUnAVAT
(new York), The Auckland city Art of new evil, healthy and sick…” barely rippled by time from WATErcoloUr, 2000
46 x 50”
Zealand, University of Toronto, McMaster States Edith Stipl. lancaster Sound and Bylat
Museum of Art, Saatchi and Saatchi. In all, the true sorcery Island.
The works of art displayed at gallery one of the faerie tale is that It is evident by the glowing palette and
integrate human types specified as reference our post-modern culture phantasmagoric light effects that the voyage,
points. There is a directed perspective that has remained ensnared nocTUrnAlIA II not the destination, becomes a source of
leads the eye to the interior of the painting by the whimsical. 2000 oIl on lInEn wonderment and insatiable curiosity.
24” x 17”
and experience the vivacious palette. At same In a sense, northwest Passage is an exhibition
moment, the canvas metamorphosizes into that discards the brambles of our preconceptions
an illusionistic vast expanse. ARCHITECTURE SERIES and in discovering the genuine enigma of each
This technique of artistry is difficult to place, to recall that Mankind is an extension
achieve and fool the spectator into believing vOLkeR seDing of the natural domain.
that the picture goes on and on without sTephen buLgeR gALLeRy The sequence of canvases have been
limitation. TOROnTO assembled like a mosaic, with pieces collected
Evoking nostalgic recollections, isolation, and fitted. Alas, the paintings are tokens of shards
and facets of humanities personality, german of chronicled beauty and layers scraped away
FOLLY TALES photographer Volker Seding pinpoints urban to disclose a fragile panorama.
architectural vacancy as an epilogue for
Born in England, Pat fairhead relocated to
eDiTh sTipL ‘human portraits’. canada as young child. for an approximate
AngeLL gALLeRy With a hushed stillness, the edifices recount thirty-five years, she has been an exhibiting
TOROnTO tales of the past inhabitants. Time and place artist and obtained a Master of Arts from
“Gentle breath of yours my sails is blazoned by hazy environmental factors. goddard college, Vermont. fairhead is a
Must fill, or else my project fails,
Which was to please. Illumination is discarded. from a quixotic member of the royal canadian Academy of Art,
Now I want spirits to enforce, art to enchant…” point of view, a spectator may harken to the the Arts and letters club of Toronto, and the