Page 3 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 3


                the MuseuM of ModeRn aRt in new YoRK

                MoMA Meets ModernA 1960-2000

       The following arTisTs are represenTed in                                                louise bourgeois
       The exhibiTion                                                                          MAlcolM bailey
           Ad reinhardT                                                                        MArthA rosler
           AdriAn piper                                                                        MArtin paar
           Andy warhol                                                                         Melvin edwards
           BArBArA Kruger                              Andy Warhol                             MichA bar-aM
           Benedict J. fernandez                      vote McGovern                            neAl boenzi
           Boris Mihailov                            screenprint 1972                          PAul grahaM
           cArrie MAe weeMs                            105x104.4 cm                            PeGGy diggs
           chArles harbuTT /MagnuM                Gemini G.e.l. los Angeles                    PhiliP gusTon
           chArles Moore                             ed. 250 Gift of Philip                    roBert cruMb
                                                     Johnson ©2001 Andy
           chris Killip                            Warhol Foundation for the                   roBert franK
                                                     Artists rights society
           cindy sherMan                            visual Arts /licensed by                   roBert gober
           dAvid goldblaTT                          (Ars) new york. ©2001                      roBert heinecKen
                                                    the Museum of Modern
           dAvid haMMonds                                Art new york                          roBert indiana
           dAvid wojnarovicz                                                                   roBert Morris
           declAn haun                                                                         roGer Malloch
           dennis adaMs                                                                        ronAld l. haeberle
           diAne arbus                                                                         seBAstiAo salgado
           do-ho suh                                                                           shoMei ToMaTsu
           elMer schooley                                                                      stePhen peTroff
           eMMA aMos                                                                           sue coe
           enrique chagoya                                                                     tuli Kupferberg
           ernst cole                                                                          WilliAM KenTridge
           Felix gonzalez-Torres                                                               WilliAM nelson copley
           GArry winogrand                                                                     Willie cole
           GenerAl idea                                                                        vitAly KoMar
           Gilles peress                                                                       vito acconci
           Glenn ligon                                                                         Öyvind fahlsTröM
           GuerillA Art acTion group                                                         froM Moderna MuseeT’s
           henri carTier-bresson                                                                        collecTion
           idA applebroog                                                                       AnniKA von hausswolff
           Jenny holzer                                                                                dicK bengTsson
           Jerry Kearns                                                                                  inGrid orfali
           JiM goldberg                                                                                JohAnnA billing
           John fawceTT                                                                             KArin frosTensson
           JuAn genoves                                                                               lArs hillersberg
           KArA walKer                                                                                 lenA cronqvisT
           Ken doMon                                                                                    lenA svedberg
           KiKuJi Kawada                                                                              lottA anTonsson
           lArry sulTan                                                                               MArtin wiKsTröM
           lAurie siMMons                                                                                  Peter dahl
           leon golub                                                                                   Peter Tillberg
           les levine                                                                               sture johannesson

                                                    Modern MuseuM stocKholM 19.5-26.8 2001
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