Page 7 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 7

49. BiennaLe

             di venezia                                       woRLd of aRt
                                                               i n t e R n at i o n a L   a R t M ag a z i n e
                                                               c o n t e M P o R a R Y   a R t  L e x i c o n
                                                                                         Editor and Publisher PetRu Russu

                                                                                   issue  3 voluMe 1 2001

                                                                        Creative &
                                                                   Managing Director
                                                                 Contributing Editors  peTru russu
                                                                                   andrea pagnes
                                                                                   TaMara paszTor
                                                                                   andrian silvan ionescu
                                                                   Editorial Director  MarTa diMiTrescu
                                                                   Editorial Assistant  janna borg
                                                                        Art Director  peTru russu Art Addiction
                                                                 Contributig Designer  andre russu Beyond silence
                                                                        Production   åKe wallen, joaKiM zaar

                                                                        Advertising   alon reich israel
                                                                     &Representatives    +972 4 821 82 13
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               This year’s exhibiTion aiMs for                                     +30 1 29 25 100
                                                                                   world of arT issn 1404-3408 is
               precisely This concreTe                                             published biMonThly
                                                                Editorial & Advertising   tel & Fax +46 8 85.72.64
                                                                       To subscribe  world of art, Mörbylund 19, 9tr se-182 30
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               wiTh a Key worK by joseph                                    Prices  annual subscription 6 issues us$ 40
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               TwenTieTh cenTury. iT was beuys                              Legal   andReas oLson
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               The concepT of liberTy, giving iT                                   gordon and goTh new Zealand
                                                                                   livraria siciliano Brazil
               plasTic expression as a field                          Mailing Agent   Mercury inTernaTional usA
                                                                         First Cover  andrea zanaTTa photograph italy
               of energy: capiTal = creaTiviTy.

               he hoped ThaT wiTh The end                                          All right reserved. no part of this publication
                                                                                   may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
                                                                                   or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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               The new cenTury our warMTh
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               would be enough To generaTe                                         must accompany unsolicited manuscript, photo-
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               life in whaT was inorganic.
                                                                                                       woRLd of aRt       5
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