Page 28 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2001)
P. 28

MoMA The Museum of Moder Art New York

          THE MusEuM Of MODERN ART
                                                                                            February 2002-
          PREsENTs fIRsT NEW YORK                              NEW YORK Gerhard Richter:
          RETROsPECTIVE Of PAINTINGs BY                        Forty Years of Painting is the first full-scale survey of the
                                                               paintings of the influential German artist ever mounted
          GERHARD RICHTER                                      in New York as well as the most comprehensive overview
                                                               of the artist’s work yet seen in North America. The
          GERHARD RICHTER:                                     exhibition, among the largest MoMA has ever devoted
                                                               to a contemporary artist, presents 188 canvases from
          fORTY YEARs Of PAINTING                              every phase of Richter’s career, from 1962 to today. This
                                                               exhibition demonstrates the artist’s mastery of diverse
          ExHIBITION’s fOCus ON PAINTINGs REVEALs THE          genres, including gestural abstractions, landscapes,
          MuLTIfACETED NATuRE Of RICHTER’s WORK AND HIs        portraits, and other photo-based pictures, as well as the
          MAsTERY Of MuLTIPLE GENREs OVER THE COuRsE Of        vitality of painting as a mode of expression. Richter’s
          HIs CAREER                                           diverse body of work calls into question many widely
          THE ExHIBITION Is ORGANIZED BY ROBERT sTORR,         held attitudes about the inherent importance of stylistic
          sENIOR CuRATOR, DEPARTMENT Of PAINTING AND           consistency, the “organic” evolution of individual artistic
          sCuLPTuRE, THE MusEuM Of MODERN ART NEW              sensibility, the spontaneous nature of creativity, and
          YORK                                                 the relationship of technological means and mass media
                                                               imagery to traditional studio methods and formats. While
          fEBRuARY 14–MAY 21, 2002                             many contemporary postmodernists have explored these
                                                               issues by circumventing or dismissing painting as a viable
                                                               artistic option, Richter has challenged painting to meet the
                                                                                    demands posed by new forms of
                                                                                    conceptual art. Gerhard Richter:
                                                                                    Forty Years of Painting is
                                                                                    organized by Robert Storr, Senior
                                                                                    Curator, Department of Painting
                                                                                    and Sculpture, The Museum of
                                                                                    Modern Art.

                                                                                                     has long
                                                                                    Richter been a
                                                                                    greatly respected figure in
                                                                                    Europe, but, Storr states, “the
                                                                                    fact remains that compared to
                                                                                    American contemporaries of
                                                                                    similar achievement—Jasper
                                                                                    Johns and Robert Ryman,
                                                                                    to name two—Richter is
                                                                                    relatively unfamiliar to the
                                                                                    general American public and
                                                                                    still insufficiently known or
                                                                                    understood by the dedicated
                                                                                    audience of modern art.” Two
                                                                                    exhibitions of Richter’s work
                                                                                    have been shown in the United
                                                                                    States: a twenty-two-painting
                                                                                    overview at the Wadsworth
                                                                                    Atheneum in Hartford,
                                                                                    Connecticut, in 1987 and an
                                                                                    eighty-painting survey that
                                                                                    opened at the Art Gallery of
                                                                                    Ontario in Toronto in 1988 and
                                                                                    then traveled to the Museum of
                                                                                    Contemporary Art in Chicago,
                                                                                    the Hirshhorn Museum and
                                                                                    Sculpture Garden in Washington,
                                                                                    D.C., and the San Francisco
                                                                                    Museum of Modern Art. Over

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