Page 32 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2001)
P. 32

MoMA The Museum of Moder Art New York

                                                                                       LEfT: LIssITZKY, EL
         THE MusEuM Of MODERN ART                                                      RABOCHE-KREsT’IANsKAIA KRAsNAIA ARMIIA
                                                                                       (WORKER-PEAsANT RED ARMY)
         PREsENTs THE MOsT COMPREHENsIVE                                               f.E. RADIONOV, ED MOsCOW: IZOGIZ 1934
                                                                                       EDITION: 25,000. BOOK: 200 PAGEs
         ExHIBITION EVER DEVOTED TO THE                                                LEfT AND ABOVE: LIssITZKY, EL
         RussIAN AVANT-GARDE BOOK                                                      DLIA GOLOsA
                                                                                       (fOR THE VOICE) BY VLADIMIR MAYAKOVsKY
                                                                                       BERLIN: R.s.f.s.R. GOs. IZD-VO 1923
                                                                                       EDITION: uNKNOWN, BOOK: 61 PAGEs
                                                                                       RIGHT:sINAKOVA, MARIA
                                                                                       PRYGAIuT, IETAIuT
                                                                                       (THEY BOuNCE, THEY fLY) BY L. sINITsYNA
                                                                                       MOsCOW: MOLODAIA GVARDIIA, 1931
                                                                                       EDITION: 50,000. BOOK: 8 PAGEs

                                                                                Exhibition Honors Recent
                                                                                Gift from The Judith
                                                                                Rothschild foundation, the
                                                                                Largest to the Department
                                                                                of Prints and Illustrated
                                                                                Books since
                                                                                Abby Aldrich Rockefeller
                                                                                Established the Collection
                                                                                in the 1940s

                                                                                The Collection is unique in Its Breadth
                                                                                and Depth and Considered Among the
                                                                                Most significant of Its Kind in the
                                                                                The Russian

                                                                                Avant-Garde Book:

                                                                                March 21 to May 21, 2002

                                                                                The exhibition is organized by Deborah
                                                                                Wye, Chief Curator of Prints and
                                                                                Illustrated Books, The Museum of
                                                                                Modern Art, and Margit Rowell, Guest

                                                                                The Russian Avant-Garde Book, 1910-
                                                                                1934 is prompted by an extraordinary
                                                                                gift to MoMA of over 1,000 Russian
                                                                                avant-garde illustrated books from
                                                                                The Judith Rothschild foundation~
                                                                                New York. The gift is the largest to the
                                                                                Department of Prints and Illustrated
                                                                                Books since Abby Aldrich Rockefeller

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