Page 34 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2001)
P. 34


                                                                          modern museum
                                                                          modernA museet

                                                                          Beyond Paradise
                                                                          Nordic Artists Travel East
                                                                          16.2 - 29.3 2002

                                                                          The international program of Moderna Museet
                                                                          is organizing a big event for contemporary
                                                                          Nordic Art in Asia during 2002 – 2003. The
                                                                          exhibition is called ‘Beyond Paradise, Nordic
                                                                          Artists  Travel  East’  and  will  open  at  The
                                                                          National Art Gallery in Bankok, Thailand on
                                                                          february 16th 2002. It will then continue to
         henriK håKAnsson
          THE BLACKBIRD - sONG fOR A NEW BREED 2001                       Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. Preliminary plans
          SWedeN                                                          also include saigon, Vietnam and shanghai,
                                                                          China during 2003.

                                                                          The exhibition is curated by Apinan Poshyananda
                                                                          from Bangkok, who has shown interest for
                                                                          Nordic  art  for  a  long  time  and  who  has
                                                                          already organized a series of international
                                                                          exhibitions. He was invited to visit sweden,
                                                                          Denmark, finland, Norway and Iceland during
                                                                          early 2000. Hosts during this visit were DCA
                                                                          in Denmark, fRAME in finland, NP:Art and
                                                                          Museet for samtidskonst in Norway. These
                                                                          institutions together with svenska Institutet
         mAriA friberg/LArs strAnnegård                                   i n   s t o c k h o l m   b e c a m e   c o - p a r t n e r s   w i t h
         ExCERPT fROM ALREADY ELsEWHERE 2001                              Moderna Museet in the project.
                                                                          Beyond Paradise aims to create a meeting point
                                                                          between two peripheral art movements that
                                                                          are now gaining more and more international
                                                                          recognition,  contemporary  Nordic  art  and
                                                                          its Asian equivalence. Contemporary Nordic
                                                                          Art  has  been  seen  in  many  international
                                                                          contexts  lately  but  a  manifestation  as
                                                                          extensive  as  this  one  has  not  yet  been
                                                                          done in this part of the world.

                                                                          The exhibition also includes a Nordic film and
                                                                          video program that has been put together
                                                                          by  Henrik  Orrje  and  Richard  Julin,  both
                                                                          curators at filmform institution.
                                                                          The  program  is  called  ‘right  about  now’
                                                                          and  will  tour  around  Asia  together  with
                                                                          the exhibition. svenska Institutet will also
                                                                          put together a program with swedish films
                                                                          that will be shown foremost in Bangkok.

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