Page 89 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2001)
P. 89

PUBLICATIONS                                                            BOOKS FOR COLLECTORS

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         BOOK fOR COllECTORS                                              BOOK fOR ARTISTS
                                                                           ITH THE -ASTERS OF 4ODAY  ART ALBUMS SERIES WE OPEN A
                                                                           .%7 PERSPECTIVE FOR ARTISTS IN LIFE  7E MADE THE LAYOUT
 Contact World of Art Books  -!34%23 /& 4/$!9                         WAND THE CREATIVE DESIGN  WE PRINT THE ALBUM IN %NGLAND
                                                                      AND WE ASSURE THE DISTRIBUTION IN BOOKSTORES INTERNATIONALLY
           7/2,$ OF !24                                               ON ALL THE CONTINENTS
                "//+3                                                 4HE !LBUM
                                                                      $IMENSION    X  ž IN        X      CM      COLOR PAGES
       •  Watercolor by Stockholm-                                    COVER  4HE ALBUM SHOULD INCLUDE UP TO    WORKS  #6  AND
             4HE !RTIST
       based watercolor artist and                                    SEVERAL CRITIC ESSAY
       architect Ligia Podorean-Ekström
       •  The 64-page exclusive book                                  2ETURNS TO ARTIST     OF COVER PRICE  ! SALES REPORT WILL BE
              ,)6).' !24)343
       contains 135 watercolors on                                    SEND TO ARTISTS BIMONTHLY
       vibrant full-page reproduction,
       CV and essays by Andrea                                        4HE #OSTS
 -¾2"9,5.$      42
 3%       $!.$%29$
 34/#+(/,-   37%$%.
 4%,  &!8
        /VER     WORKS     QUALITY
       Pagnes, Mircea Deac, Per Olof-                                 4HE ARTISTS PAY ONLY FOR THE PRINT AND TRANSPORT AS FOLLOWS
 ).&/ !24!$$)#4)/. .%4
 7/2,$ OF !24
       Ekström, Adrian-Silvan Ionescu                                      COPIES  53
  -!34%23 /& 4/$!9
       and Amelia Pavel                                                    COPIES  53
       •  Purchase Price $39 Postage $10                                   COPIES  53
         "ARNES AND .OBLE
       •  ORDER WORLD of ART BOOkS
       Mörbylund 19, 9tr SE-18 230                                    !LBUM SAMPLE AVAILABLE FOR 53     OR  SIMPLY  LOAN A COPY OF
       Danderyd /Stockholm Sweden                                     7ATERCOLOR BY ,IGIA 0ODOREAN %KSTRÚM
         -EDIA 3OLUTIONS
         5BIQUITY $ISTRIButors
       Tel/fax +46 8 85.72.64
       •  Payment must accompany order.                                 9œÕÀÊ ÀÌÊ LՓ               Ê "7t
         THE BEST OF HIS PAINTINGS DURING THE YEARS                               BOOK fOR COllECTORS
         DAN MILON                                                                •  The Best of Dan Milon Paintings
                                                                                  •  128 page catalogue
                                                                                  •  126 works on full-page reproduction
                                                                                  •  Regular Price $80  Sale $70
                                                                                  • ORDER from ALON
                                                                                  P.O.Box 8476 Nesher 36790 ISRAEl
                                                                                  Tel+972 4 8218213 fax+972 4 8215753
                                                                                  Payment must accompany order.

                an  Milon  born1943  in  Israel,   autodidact. The majority of his works
                drawing from his early childhood.   are of fantastic character His creative
          D From 1967 he also tested his   work  is  modem  art,  not  extremely
          strength in architectural drawing. He   abstract and at the same time realistic
          was drawing mainly between 1973 and   to considerable degree. Now he offers
          1981 and defines himself as a complete   a book contains his best works.
                                                                                                      WORLD of ART       71
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94