Page 93 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2001)
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varied both in nature and media. was commissioned under ‘The Percent Art’ Also, she has participated in international
Obviously each commission presents its scheme (1% of the budgets of all public shows in Connecticut, United States, and
own unique challenge. firstly, the budget of projects in the European Union must be in the Municipal Art Gallery (Tokyo, Japan).
any proposed work will decide its size and spent on works of art and can only be Here solo exhibitions include fukui Cultural
very often the material to be used. Once secured through open competitions) and was Center and Gallery Saiwai Kawasaki (Japan).
this is established the location, Mood, and designed between March and April 2000. On the side, leavy has arranged for a
Medium come into play and have vital roles Eventually, the sculpture was awarded in group of enthusiastic artists from Japan to
in the final design of any submission. September 2000. Killen embarked upon the visit, paint, and exhibit in Ireland.
Essentially, I strive to integrate my work project in mid-October 2000 and finished at
with its environment and thus generate a the beginning of february 2001. RANGE Of VIsION
feeling of completeness and belonging. It is Endearing and contemplative, the GROUP EXHIBITION
always my intention to create a work that subject matter is befitting for the Maternity TATAR ALEXANDER GALLERY
belongs to its specific environment and Department. Here, the mother is suckling her TORONTO, CANADA
that would look “out infant whilst three children peep over their fourteen artists hailing from Canada,
of place” in another parent (?) with innocent curiosity. United States, and the United Kingdom
location. The bold masses, lissome appeal, and have assembled their works of art at the
Each commission the countenance is suggestive of the bronze Tatar Alexander Gallery
passes through statue David (Donatello). Note the slight this month. Each piece
many stages in its curving smile, soft modelling of the bone is representative of
development. Having structure, almond-shaped eyes, and the the miscellaneous
discussed the project almost distant gaze. disciplines ranging
completely with the Given Michael Killen’s biography, perhaps, from painting,
client I return to the VIEW Of CAUSEWAY the notable Donatellian traits are intentional drawing, printmaking,
studio to develop and MATERNITY DEPARTMENT in his works of art and then again, it might be and mixed media
work on a proposal. ©PHOTOGRAPH Of purely coincidental. installation.
Usually it is the mood MICHAEl KIllEN Wyn Bielaska (Untitled ANETTE lARSSON
and atmosphere to be NEw HORIZONs #47,Abstract Ship PlEASURE VISION IV, #1, #2
created that generate the first ideas. I then ANNA MARIE LEAVY Series) began his 1219 MM x 305 MM x 100 MM
work on these ideas, chopping, changing kENNYS GALLERY profession as a 2001
and searching for alternatives in order GALWAY, IRELAND photographer and flUORESCENT lIGHTS
that I can distil a clear and truly expressive A jovial splash of a rainbow spectrum architect. Relocating
concept. invigorates the acrylic and watercolour from Toronto to
Once the concept is well established I canvases of Anna Marie leavy. Vancouver, Wyn
make my submission to the client and await Connemara landscape, primarily concentrated
a response. It is at this point that a proposal Wildflowers, and upon the native
often requires further development as the Waterlilies formulate edifices of his
client’s reaction to the work can generate a naturalistic ‘triad’in surrounding locale
changes or developments unforeseen at the which the anima of (Vancouver, British
initial stage. creation springs forth Columbia) rather than
Over the years I have developed good with an airy vision. the natural landscape. WYN BIElASKA
working relationships with a number of Waterliles (leavy) and Approximately four UNTITlED #47
highly specialised craftspeople working Waterliles, The Clouds years ago, Bielaska 40” x 50”
in the various media of wood, stone and WATERlIlES (Monet) impart an stumbled upon the 1999
bronze. These long-standing associations WATERCOlOUR Impressionist picture of colossal hulls of vessels
have enabled me to draw on their expertise 20” x 28” Nature. Then again, the in the dry dock area.
when needed. Then, when necessary, I brushwork and style of The Abstract Ship Series is a photographic
subcontract those aspects of a contract both artists is disparate sequence of these curious ships. Wyn
where the expertise of a specialist (such in comparison. Yet, Anna Marie and Claude Bielaska gazes past the physical exterior
as a bronze founder, cabinet-maker, etc.) have fabricated an autonomous domain of the objects and delves into the colour
would be essential to the completion of any where time is suspended. The surfaces of and patterns that had been created both by
commission to the highest standards. the ponds cover the entire canvas and the nature and human.
I am aware at all times of the time effects of reflected light generate an ethereal The Ontario Securities Commission,
constraints very often placed on a presence. labatt’s Breweries, fSA International, frank
commission and once a contract agreed the Born in Co.Donegal, Anna Marie leavy Russell Co., and Microsoft have acquired
time table of the studio is tailored to the attended the National College of Art (Dublin) Wyn’s works of art.
work and its completion within the specified and has taught fine Art in Dumfries (Scotland) Anette larsson (Pleasure Vision IV #1,
time. It is my custom to request a client to and Downpatrick (Co.Down). #2) allegorizes an opposite medium from
set a reasonable time frame for the work In the ensuing period of 1971, Anna Marie Wyn Bielaska; lambda transparencies
to commence and reach completion. If I ventured to Mullingan and has acquired and fluorescent lights. Pleasure Vision
believe the time allowed for a project is too a local and national reputation as a comprises of fragmented, surrealistic self-
short and restrictive I will inform the client watercolourist. portraits. Here, the female body has been
before any contract is agreed so that a clear for numerous years, the artist has actively cropped, enlarged, and turned upside down
understanding of a reasonable working time promoted watercolour as a medium by against blue transparent backgrounds.
is established. ... teaching at the V.E.C. Adult Education larsson probes into the complex
Appointed for the Causeway Hospital Programme. Well-travelled, Anna Marie leavy relationship of female identity and body.
Maternity Department (Coleraine, Co.Derry, has worked abroad with artists in Sandy Nicholson (Pool #7) portrays
North Ireland), first Visit [Michael Killen] England, Canada, and Japan. collective memories of the Australian