Page 96 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2001)
P. 96

REVIEW OF EXHIBITIONS                                                            bY TAMARA PASZTOR

         and fashion the labyrinthine molecules of   largely marked by the finely drawn pastel   O’ AIT GO HAIT
         living things. People are becoming aware   to the heavily textured oil paintings whose   PADDY LENNON
         that space is “out there”; but some might   subjects exuded intimacy. Maire Creaven   THE kENNY GALLERY
         still not realize it is also “in here”. We are   is a native of Spiddal, co.Galway and had   GALWAY, IRELAND
         the significant but invisible (from even small   been educated in Tralee and Dublin. At the   Abstract canvases with an impression
         astronomical distances) intelligent microbial   College of Art and Design (Dublin), Maire   of the surrealistic invoke the naturalistic
         chemistry of the precious blue-white   studied under the tutelage of Sean Keating,   interaction of light and form. Influenced by
         marble we call home.Albeit, paradoxical   Maurice McGonigal, John Kelly, and lucy   Mark Rothko, Anselm
         it might seem, the perceptions of realities   Charles.                 Kiefer, and David
         are unreachably distant in space and time,                             friederich Casper,
         offering the very widest of perspectives can   TIGHT fIT ANd fANTAsY fAsHION  lennon’s work is
         lead to the truest and most compassionate   GROUP                      intuitive. His objective is
         vision of our planet and its inhabitants.    GALLERY 1313              make the palette work
                                             TORONTO, CANADA
         LOVE                                Correlating art and fashion is an ingenious   and not be a slave to it.
         kINEkO IVIC                         notion for artisans to demonstrate their   The Impressionist artist
                                                                                Cezanne explained
         ANGELL GALLERY                      ideologies in a playful form. Tight fit   the process: “When   BOGSCAPE
         TORONTO, CANADA                                   featured twenty-five   colour has its greatest
         “All that glitters” is an accurate description    artists in miscellaneous   richness, then form has it plentitude.”
         to characterize artist Kineko Ivic’s second       mediums from clothing   Born in Inchiore, Ireland Paddy obtained his
         solo exhibition. Reclining jaguars, tigers, and   to sculpture (i.e.   diploma in fine Art from the City and Guilds
                       lions set in their African          Parvaneh Radmard,    Art School in london, England (1980). His
                       environs are accented               Stroll in the Garden   previous exhibitions were a collection of
                       by sparkling, glossy                of Memory and Willie   character portraits from the film, The Field.
                       surfaces.                           Anicic, Vogue). On the
                       This innovative                     hand, fantasy fashion   A VIEw fROm THE wEsT
                       pop art reference   A STROll IN THE GARDEN Of   presented thirteen   RADHARC ANIAR
                       highlights pattern,    PARVANCH RADMARD  artists anddesigners   THE kENNY GALLERY
                       light, and shadow                   whose “works of      GALWAY, IRELAND
                       in an entertaining    art” were modelled down the runway in   Andrew Newland centers his attention
             UNTITlED (lOVE)  mode. love logos and   the Gallery. Outrageous and witty, Menno   upon the four Western locations in Ireland:
        MIxED MEDIA ON CANVAS  psychedelic illustrations   Kant’s Tribal Something created a stir with
                 48” x 36”                                                      letterfrock, lettermore, and Cill Rialaigin in
                   2001  are reminiscent     his three painted models. Maggie Van   County Galway. lastly,
                       of 1960’s posters,    Os’ The Shady lady displayed a classical   Tourmakeady in County
                       American illustrator   aura. Others include Judy Poole and Susan   Mayo. The Irish-Gaelic
         Seymor Chwast, fashion, and outrageous   Vickberg. In all, who says that art is strictly   language prevails
         youthful experiences.               canvas and sculpture?              in these areas and
          The rationale behind the wildlife is beauty                           therefore, Newland had
         and the “emblem of strength” in the natural   TIGHT NIGHT GARdEN       chosen to include the
         world. More importantly, Ivic stated that   WILLIAM EAkIN              Irish derivation of the
         the gist of the show is to stress upon his   LEO kAMEN GALLERY         local place names.
         “advocacy of love” between human beings   TORONTO, CANADA               The larger canvases   CEANN ARD’ THOR, BAIl AN SCEIlG
         and mammals.                        An enthusiastic collector of cookie tins,   consist of vistas. The   GOUACHE ON BOARD
          Kineko Ivic attended the Ontario College of   bowling trophies, bottle caps, and Niagara   decision to divide the   140 x 210 MM
         Art and “graduated prematurely” after the   falls souvenirs, photographer William Eakin   paintings into triptychs
         third year. later, he relocated to New York        brings into being   is an attempt to unify the picture into a
         for two years. His first solo exhibition was       picturesque emblems   larger composition.
         at the Art System (Toronto) and his second         of mass-produced     Most of the works of art have been painted
         solo is currently, at the Angell Gallery.          objects found either at   out-of-doors in which Andrew is capable of
                                                            garage sales or second
         PEOPLE ANd PLACEs                                  hand stores.        transmitting atmosphere and newness to
         MAIRE CREAVEN                                       Night Garden is a   the subject.
         THE kENNY GALLERY                                  menagerie of two    TUEsdAY’s CHILd
         GALWAY, IRELAND                                    large cake and cookie   NADIA PASZTOR
         Still-lifes, deserted cottages, wildflowers,       tin lids set against   Upon graduating from Cardinal Newman
         dock study, musicians, and welcoming     NIGHT GARDEN  black and white   High School, I attended McMaster University
         interiors, Maire Creaven delineates the   WIllIAM EAKIN  fujifex Crystal Archive   for one year only, when I had realized that
                        memoirs of the Irish                Chromogenic Prints   my mind had been set on continuing in
                        thorp, Menlo. Creaven               and Colour Pigment Jet   the Art Programme. Afterwards, I became
                        brings into existence,   Prints.This photographic installation piece    accepted into the foundation Studies
                        the civilized, serene   externalizes Dutch floral still-life of love, life,   Programme at the Dundas Valley School
                        life of the Menlo    and death.                         of Art in Hamilton Ontario. On completion
                        denizens via rural    The curvilinear impression monopolized   of my scholastic studies, I returned to
                        architecture,        by circular tins produces an odd sensation   McMaster University in order to continue in
                        geography, traditional   to the viewer. The tin still maintains   the fine Arts Programme with a Minor in Art
                        fiddlers, and natural   their original price in wax marker and   History and film Studies.
             BElfAST fIDDlER  flora. The weight of   consequently, endows nostalgic feelings of   for me it is difficult to define what my art
                  PASTEl  nationality profile is   culture, personal history, and domesticity.
                 18” x 10”                                                      truly is. After all, what is the quintessential
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