Page 97 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2001)
P. 97

REVIEW OF EXHIBITIONS                                                            bY TAMARA PASZTOR

         focus of Contemporary Art? This question   the background around them. This is equally   sTRATOsPHERET
         has raised issues not merely with myself,   central. I attempt to conjure a sense of   MATTHEW HARPOLD
         also amongst my fellow colleagues. Is   various emotions in my works as well as   I was born in Kent, Washington, USA (30
         Contemporary Art solely a public site-spe-  leaving the viewer with a question, “What is   miles south of Seattle) in June of 1976. I
         cific work or is it an assemblage of found   it about?”                 have been experimenting with digital and
         objects used to create a type of sculpture                              traditional art since I
         or mechanical operating device? After   sAINT sEbAsTIAN                 was a child. In my early
         visiting numerous exhibitions in Hamilton   A bOdY CAUGHT UP IN         teens I began to use the
         and Toronto area, I still discovered it to   REPREsENTATION             early Atari 400, 130xE,
         be difficult to answer this question. Is a   JUSTINA M. BARNICkE        Atari ST,. and finally the
         carved piece of wood placed against a wall   GALLERY                    PC in high school. I took
         compared to Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel   UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO       as many art classes as
         frescos truly a work of art? Or should locks   TORONTO, CANADA          I could in high school,
         of hair matted into a ball with tiny fibres of   Bound to a Roman column and pierced   essentially devoting
         paper tangled into it even be considered   with arrows, the ethereal Saint Sebastian   my senior year to art-  NIGHTTIME BIRDS
         an art form? Think about this question next   gazes skyward. Not a flicker of agony passes   independent figuring   PHOTOGRAPHY/DIGITAl
         time you visit a contemporary art exhibi-  across his youthful visage. Strong hues and   drawing classes, and   1998
         tion. Answers vary from person to person.          a golden illumination   executed logo designs
         On the other hand, I have found that art in        suffuses the torso.   for local businesses.
         general has become much more than just             Scarce traces of blood   I attended Pacific lutheran University in
         a painted masterpiece hanging on a gallery         spill from the open   1994,completing two years of coursework
         wall. It has become an area where any              wounds. This is the   towards my bachelors in fine Arts, before
         artist can explore and discover new ways           classical iconographic   transferring to Cornish College of the Arts
         of creating that next, Portrait of my Mother.      depiction of the martyr   in 1996. I spent 3 years there, eventally
         An artist is no longer restrained to a paint-      in the Italian Quat-  graduating with my BfA. Since college, I
         brush to a canvas or chisel to clay. I believe     trocento and into the   have worked for a number of hobby game
         this is what defines Contemporary Art as           present.             companies with national distribution,
                                                 SAINT SEBASTIAN
         we see it now. It is a break from the past   TIZIANO VECELLIO    The legend of Sebas-  including Rubicon Games, Alderac
         so to speak. While the ideas of the great   OIl ON CANVAS  tian hails between   Entertainment Group, and Atlas Games.
         masters of history still linger in our minds,   1570  the Christian periods   Nightshade Books published my first novel
         new ideas and areas can be explored with   210 x 115CM  of 283AD or 305 AD.   cover, “TheAngel with Television Eyes” this
         numerous sources of mediums.                       According to one     year. Currently, I am devoting almost all
         I am a young artist, nevertheless still an   source, in 283 AD, Sebastian ventured forth   my time to a computer game proposal, for
         artist, trying to fit into a neat category of   to Rome and joined the army of Emperor   which I am executing all the 3D models,
         the Contemporary genre, conquering new   Carinus against Diocletian. After the defeat   texture art, and animation. What I set out to
         forms, disciplines, mediums, and choosing   of Carinus, Sebastian swore fealty to the   do before anything else is to create mood
         the next path.                      new Emperor Diocletian. Afterwards, he was   and ambiguity. I play with layers of color and
          Tuesday’s Child, is invoked from an   bestowed the honourable rank of com-  texture to obscure the imagery, but not so
         inspiration that began with viewing works   mander of the Praetorian Guard. Never-  much that it all becomes lost to abstraction.
         by Andy Warhol. Canadian singer Amanda   theless, Sebastian adopted the Christian   I like Enthropy, and corroding away a
         Marshall was created by using various   religion and was ordered by Diocletian to be   pristine painting using the digital process. I
         shapes to define her face and hair, rather   executed.                  use oils for the original painting, PhotoShop
         than actual features.                Numerous Renaissance portrayals show   for my digital manipulations, found textures
         To me photography is more than a simple   the martyr in the traditional Grecian stance   and photography to work into the piece.
                        picture. It can be quite   (contraposto), fettered, and staring upward   Though a painting almost always serves as
                        cinematic. It can tell a   in ‘religious ecstasy’—this emphasis is   the primary foundation. At present, I am
                        story, capture a specific   placed more upon Baroque sculpture.   working on art and design for a computer
                        time, event, or invoke    Matthew Stradling, author of The Aura of   game.
                        thoughts and feelings.   Timelessness, provides another rendition:  This is the next level for visual artists; the
                        Keeping with that, I   “Saint Sebastian is a perfect icon for   truly interactive experience. Computer and
                        usually like to take one   homosexuality. The writhing wounded man   video games are a very young medium,
                        photographic idea and   is sensual, vulnerable And passive. The fact   and have the potential to be a fully realized
                        produce a sequence   that he is in a religious ecstasy heightens the   ‘art’ medium inasmuch the same way
                        of images, as seen   eroticism.”
                  MARCUS                                                         photography and independent cinema are,
       COlOURED CHAlK, OIl PASTEl,   below with Marcus. It   The rationale behind the engimatic   on the other hand it will take time, and
                AND CONTAY  is originally of 1 of 12   ‘homosexual’ theory of Saint Sebastian   plenty of experimentation. Stratosphere
                        photographs taken,   in the modern era is perhaps, due to our   began as an archetypal form for the
         later photocopied, enlarged to a standard   fascination with deciphering the imagery   game book in the same manner.I did 12
         size, coloured overtop with chalk, oil pastel,   presented. The semi-naked, almost   archetypes for this book, and this one
         and contay. Photographs can be bent and   statuesque torso, and the piercing of   arose as the most robust design concept to
         shaped. I took a photograph and literally   the arrows could be perceived as sexual   be used as the cover. I used fragments of
         manipulated it into my own type of drawing.   penetration.              several paintings and a found rust texture to
         From Here to There another portion of a    In spite of these hypothesis’, the figure of   pull it all together.
         series of photographs. This particular pic-  Sebastian is plausible in terms of ordinary   Nighttime Birds was the first successful
         ture was not only meant to ask the viewer   human experience. It is the physiognomy,   PhotoShop piece I completed. It was
         what exactly the two figures are doing or   movement, and emotional ambience that   primarily found photography and fragments
         the fantastical tale it is trying to narrate,   are invoked by the icon.  from old paintings.
         more importantly what is happening within                               A breakthrough piece.

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