Page 95 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2001)
P. 95
of artists Joan Webb and Kenneth Webb taught at Mary Immaculate Training College manipulates her version of the celebrated
has painted since childhood. At the age of as a Professor of Art. ritualistic idol as sensual and delicate.
eighteen, she held her first exhibition at She has exhibited at louisville (Kentucky). Since 1970, Isla Burns has resided in
the Kenny Gallery and solo exhibitions in Atlanta (Georgia), San francisco, los Angeles, Alberta, Edmonton, where she received her
Dublin. Susan is involved with the Equestrian and Santa fe (Mexico). Masters of Visual Art from the University
Society of Artists and the Society of Women of Alberta. Burns has exhibited throughout
Artists. fENCE sITTERs Canada, England, and Spain. Her sculpture
JASON GRINGLER AND can be found be at the Edmonton Art
ExPREssIONIsm LUkE PAINTER Gallery, City of Barcelona (Spain), and the
AND TAMARA PASZTOR Jason Gringler and luke Painter have PROTEAN dAwN
Entertaining and lighthearted, the canvases incorporated into their exhibition the LAURIE A.CARLSON
of luciano Valentinotti verbalizes the reconnection to the world of painting genre My creativity best arises from liberal
twentieth century pith of Expressionism and that has appeared to thought and deep, genuine intuitions
the Cubist Style. slip into the cracks of and empathies. Both my “mystic” and
Gatto Selvatico, Porto 21st century aesthetics. “scientific” mental
Gemellare, and Cieco1 Painter is a processes insist that
underscores the inner print-maker whose content, meaning,
experience rather than plates form a series of communication are
realistic portrayals. It collages and transferred primary-rather than
is the emotions and onto sheets—metal form, surface, and
certain responses of supports, paints, and technique. However,
commonplace objects UNTITlED industrial landscape. medium, method and
or events that ignites JASON GRINGlER AND lUKE In contrast, Gringler’s aesthetic decisions
the images. In the case abstract canvases are merely important SPUME ON A QUANTUM SHORE
CIECO 1 11 x 14 INCHES (28 x 36 CM)
80 x 120 CM of Gatto Selvatico and resemble obscure for exploring ways to WATERCOlOR PENCIl
ACRIlICO Porto Gemellare, the figures and anatomical motions. Bits of paper, express my ideas.
1999 expressive standpoint tape, drawings, and miscellaneous objects As a child, I felt
is interpreted through are layered in the interior of the textured strongly connected to all the phenomena
a series of distortions and humourous surface. of nature on Earth. I have valued many
exaggerations. Jason and luke attempt to intermingle faces of reality, and paths to knowledge,
Pesci Con Onde is an examplification of the traditional art and popular culture. The result in which I seek to, bring into balance. My
Analytic Cubist Style. Contrasts of brilliant is a terrific medley of historical design, early learning encompassed; -in addition
colour and two-dimensional surface of the printmaking, painting, and illustration. Hence, to artistic practice: -Ancient Art History,
picture plane, this work of art eliminates the the label: fence Sitters where the individuals Anthropology, Goddesses, literature,
traditional methodology of foreshortening are positioned between the delicate Creative Writing, Spiritual Practices, women
and modeling. Here, the geometrical facets boundary of the conventional and heretic. as thinkers and artists.
have become smaller and prism-like where later my love of nature and quest for
everything fits into an orderly jigsaw puzzle. NEw sCULPTURE comprehension extended from the
ISLA BURNS subatomic universe to the story of the
CLARE RYTHms mOsTLY GALLERY ONE Cosmos that which gave birth to our
NOIRIN MOONEY TORONTO, CANADA beloved planet. Spectacular, startling, and
THE kENNY GALLERY “Metal does not have to be aggressive even surreal discoveries at the frontiers
GALWAY, IRELAND and remade, it has so many personalities and I of knowledge ignited my imagination.
Natural colours of the Burren and the want mine to be soft and tangible.”computer, “Space” has become ever more present
pultrichtude of the rock grikes, artist Noirin I knew that I had won.” in my drawing, painting, poetry and
Mooney revives in her canvasses. With each Putting into service the cerebral and artistic other writings. Yet my images tend to be
brushstroke, purity of stimuli of Calcutta, India sculptor Isla Burns imaginative, visionary, rather than purely
line and expressive unfolds the dimensions of corporeal and realistic; because I seek the metaphors to
contours imparts a ethereal. express my sense of our human intimacy
dreamlike romanticized Employed as a with the subtle, complex interplay of chaos
style. Celtic musicians professional welder in and order in the Celestial Stratosphere (an
adorn Mooney’s works the Alberta Oil fields, example of a vision: the colossal, Proteus-
of art and incite the Burns expressed a like god-beast at the left in Protean Dawn
social spirit of Ireland. curiosity with the from whose arching arms and hands spill
In an odd manner, forging of raw steel, the stuff of the lower rim of
fIDDlER these paintings evoked heating, and moulding the nebula’s central clearing, a small, dark
OIl ON CANVAS memories of a wind the material into woman-shaped knot of interstellar dust and
24” x 18”
swept moor, musicians MINOAN SNAKE GODDESS diversified shapes. gas [one of many human or animal-shaped
weaving a rich and Of KNOSSOS, CRETE Snake Goddess of knots or globules] appears to lift an offering
dance inspired Celtic tapestry of song, 13 ½” (34.3 CM) Knossos (Isla Burns) of burning incense).
drawing upon beloved folk tradition. 1600 BCE is both a familiar, yet Universal laws, patterns and systems
Born in County Galway, Noirin Mooney extrinsic adaptation spiral a galaxy, a hurricane, a whirlpool, a
spent most of her childhood and mature of the Minoan Snake Goddess of Knossos seashell, our DNA; exploding supernovas
years in County Clare. Graduated from the from Crete, Greece. Both sculptural works and volcanoes; cause black holes,
Galway University, Noirin received her ATC of art employ the same stance with arms catastrophic landslides; condense stars,
Degree at the College of Art in limerick and outstretched and encircled by vipers. Isla forge elements from interstellar clouds;