Page 9 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2001)
P. 9


                                                               INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY ART MAGAZINE
                                                                                   Editor and Publisher PETRu Russu
                                                                                    IssuE 4 VOLuME 2 2002

                                                                        Creative &
                                                                   Managing Director  petru russu
                                                                 Contributing Editors  AndreA pAgnes Venice
                                                                                   Christopher ChAmbers New York
                                                                                   tAmArA pAsztor Toronto
                                                                   Editorial Director
                                                                                   mArtA dimitresCu
                                                                   Editorial Assistant
                                                                                   JAnnA borg
                                                                       Art Direction
                                                                                   Art AddiCtion Projects
                                                                 Contributig Designer
                                                                                   Andre russu Beyond Silence
              Hermitage                                           Production Director   åKe WALLen Birger Gustafsson AB
                                                                                   ALon reiCh Israel
                                                                                   +972 4 821 82 13
                                                                                   Antonio CAmpos KopAnAKis Brazil
                                                                                   +55 11 5081 4188
                                                                                   bAibA JAmes Australia
           Museum                                                                  +1 562-493-5434
                                                                                   +61 2 95643662
                                                                                   Kirstine & CompAny, inC. USA
                                                                                   mcKAy & boWmAn int’L mediA New Zealand
                                                                                   +64  9 419 056
                                                                                   intermediA pArtners gmbh Germany
                                                                                   +49-202-27 16 90
                                                                                   +6221 78845705 -6
              Masterpieces and Master Collectors:                                  pt. mediAnet intisArAnA Indonezia
                                                                                   pubLiCitAs heLLAs sA Greece
                                                                                   +30 1 68.51.790
              Impressionist and Early Modern                                       WORLD Of ART IssN 1404-3408
                                                                                   PUBlISHed BImoNTHlY
                                                                Editorial & Advertising   Tel & Fax +46 8 85.72.64
              Paintings from the Hermitage and                         To subscribe  World of Art, mörbylund 19, 9tr Se-182 30
                                                                                   danderyd Sweden Fax+46 8 857264
              Guggenheim Museums. The inaugural                                    e-mail:
                                                                            Prices  Annual subscription 6 issues us$ 40
              exhibition at the Guggenheim                                         Air Mail Europe add $ 20
                                                                                   Air Mail usA / Asia / Oceania add $ 30
                                                                        Postmaster  Send address change to World of Art
              Hermitage Museum presents 45                                         mörbylund 19, 9tr Se-182 30 danderyd
                                                                            Legal   AndreAs oLson
              major examples of Impressionist,                          Typography  VecTorA  & SABoN
                                                                           Printing  in europe by prismA print
                                                                       Distribution  CoAst to CoAst USA & canada
              Post-Impressionist, and early Modern                                 +1 416 754-3900
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              painting from these two world-                                       +61-2-9371-8866
                                                                                   gordon & gotCh New Zealand
              renowned collections. The exhibition                                 LivrAriA siCiLiAno Brazil
                                                                      Mailing Agent   merCury internAtionAL the World
                                                                         First Cover  AndreA zAnAttA photograph Italy
              features signature artworks from the
                                                                                   All right reserved. No part of this publication
                                                                                   may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
              Guggenheim and Hermitage, including                                  or transmitted in any form or by any means,
                                                                                   electronic, photographing or otherwise, without
                                                                                   the prior permission of the publisher and copyright
              masterpieces by Cézanne, Chagall,                                    owner.

                                                                                   Postage and a self-addressed return envelope
              Kandinsky, Matisse, Monet, Picasso,                                  must accompany unsolicited manuscript, photo-
                                                                                   graphs, and other submitted materials. However,
                                                                                   World of Art is not responsible for unsolicited
              Renoir, and van Gogh.                                                submissions.
                                                              Made in the European Union
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