Page 22 - The Documenta issue of World of Art magazine (2002)
P. 22

         THe TeRROR PROjeCT
         THe TeRROR PROjeCT

         i haVe heard the red horSeS
                                                            The poor of el Salvador continue to die of malnutrition-12, 000
               by Marlie BURTON-ROCHe                       children per year! And thousands of people die unnecessary
                                                            deaths due to lack of medical attention, education and potable
                                                            water. At a time when the human condition should be put at the
           ¡Qué día ha sobrevenido! Qué espesa luz de       center of the agenda of the Free Trade Agreement with Central
             leche, compacta, digital, me favorece!         America, the U.S response is to establish a military base near the
                He oído relinar su rojo caballo             International Airport in el Salvador. Condoning, supporting and
               desnudo sin herraduras y radiante.
                                                            profiting from a neo-liberal political process that impoverishes,
                                                            starves, and marginalizes 48 to 60 percent of the people in el
         Pablo Neruda
                                                            Salvador is terrorism, in my opinion.

         When President Bush visited el Salvador in March of
                                                            My pursuits in solidarity with the popular socio-political
         this year he proclaimed it as a triumph of U.S. foreign
                                                            movement in el Salvador and my artworks have increasingly
         policy in Latin America.  If he means by triumph the
                                                            coalesced, merging a very private career with what I call ‘the
         propping up of a decaying client regime (the AReNA
                                                            nightmare of history in the making.’ Two pieces, MORNING
         government), pressuring the left and center-left to
                                                            ABLAZe WITH SOMe SACRIFICe and LLeNA De DIeNTeS Y
         move to the right, and attempts to destroy the ever
                                                            ReLAMPAGOS (Full of Teeth and Lightening) are from a series
         increasing popular socio-political movement and the
                                                            entitled I HAVe HeARD THe ReD HORSeS.  Aspects of past horrors
         political alternatives that challenge the U.S. offensive
                                                            are still evidenced in these works, but the past is evoked in a
         in that county, then I guess he is entitled to his
                                                            juxtaposition that illuminates the present. This is not an art of
         opinion. The reality is, all of the root causes of the
                                                            exposure but of synthesis wherein wholeness is constructed
         revolution-one of the bloodiest in this hemisphere-
                                                            out of fragments and discord. The whole represents what I call
         are still in place.
                                                            the radical unconscious – a reconciling of unity with diversity
                                                            that reflects the contemporary need to create a conscience.
         The signing of the Peace Accords between the FMLN
                                                            The political situation in el Salvador becomes a symbol of the
         (Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional)
                                                            current unconsummated moment, highlighting our apprehension
         and the right wing government of el Salvador in
                                                            of reality but at the same time perhaps strengthening our
         1992 heralded a seemingly positive trend. But it was
                                                            sympathy for our fellow man.
         and is delusional. The Peace Accords have not been
         complied with - to the extent that the United Nations
                                                            But, having said all that, I do not set out to make ‘political art’.
         refused to participate in the 10th Anniversary
                                                            I do not begin a work with a preconceived idea or preliminary
         celebrations as organized by the AReNA government.
                                                            sketch and then transpose that to canvas. The challenge for me
         Increasingly the AReNA party and President Flores
                                                            is to stand in front of a blank canvas (at times massive!) and
         are blocking and debilitating the positive political
                                                            just start painting. This is the most exciting part of the process.
         institutions born out of the Peace Accords (the
                                                            In that sense I guess my work is intuitive. Of course as soon
         National Civilian Police and the Office of the Attorney
                                                            as I begin putting paint on the canvas then things start to be
         for the Defense of Human Rights) and they are not
                                                            controlled as shapes and colours relate and change relative to
         allowing the electoral and judicial reforms to happen.
                                                            one another. It is a slow way of working, not only technically
         They have annulled the necessary equilibrium of
                                                            - using layers of glazes, but also because at times I have to
         power, contributing to loss of credibility of the
                                                            put work away for awhile and come back to that piece later. I
         Legislative Assembly and are using the majority of
                                                            often work on two or three paintings at any one time so they
         their votes in service of the interests of the rich.
                                                            have a chance to mature or something during the process. I am
         Meanwhile 48 percent of the countries 6.1 million
                                                            currently working on two paintings that are probably the start
         people live in poverty. The World Bank and the United
                                                            of a new series, which I have not named yet, and one of those
         Nations say that per-capita gross domestic product
                                                            paintings has been turned to the wall because I am not sure
         is lower now than it was prior to the start of the
                                                            where it is going. Later when I look at it again it will probably
         civil war. The richest 20 percent of the population
                                                            make sense. When I work, I rotate the canvas so for a while
         control 55.3 percent of the wealth while the poorest
                                                            there is no up and down orientation. In fact sometimes, but
         20 percent have only 3.7 percent. In many of the
                                                            not always, I do not decide which side is up until the work is
         rural areas more than 60 percent of the people live in
                                                            finished. And I almost never name a piece until it is done. When I
                                                            am involved in the making of a new work I am never sure exactly
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