Page 57 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2003)
P. 57
sol lewiTT aT sTiFTung sTaRKe berlin non PRoFiT aRT FoundaTion
StiFtung Starke
the obJeCtiveS
supporting artists in the
realization of their ideas and 12 months, the foundation will
provide those artists selected
projects is one of the main with residential and working
task of the starke foundation. premises. besides this long term
Primarily talented, unestablished support for young artists, short-
artists are to be assisted on term visitors apartments for
their path to success.the established artists are available.
foundation offers support in all in addition, stiftung starke
different forms of art: painting arranges numerous national
/ sculpture; architecture / and international contacts to
design, music / composition; museums, galleries and public
performance; installation; institutions as well as to
concept art;literature; contextual representatives in the fields
work and new media (internet, of culture, science, economy,
photography, video, cd-roM) sports and politics. the in-
depth preparation of meetings
such widely spread sponsoring between young art and business
opportunities are designed to is also an important part of the
support the starting personal program. Moreover, the “artist
visions and styles of each artist, in residence” program gives
but at the same time it is desired the artists the opportunity
that the contact with other to present the projects and
forms of art – as well as styles pieces created during their stay
– enables the artist to enlarge his at the löwenpalais to a wide
vision and the flexibility of his public in an exhibition in the
artistic growth and production. mansion’s own gallery after
thus a number of different their scholarship has ended.
further artistic developments the projects of the starke
are open to the artist. out of foundation are also accompanied
the applications received, an scientifically by international
independent jury selects those curators such as bernard
artists and art trends which the brunond, Houston, Jon Hendricks,
foundation will sponsor in the new York, and christoph tannert,
year to come. berlin.
the “artiSt in reSidenCe” the Founder, the idea
in 1969, consul Peter starke
the “artist in residence” program purchased the löwenpalais in
is the key to the purpose berlin’s grunewald. following
of stiftung starke. short- his death in 1987, his son Jörg
term visitors’ apartments for Peter starke, in memory of his
established artists such as Hans father, realized his father’s idea
Haacke, Muntadas, Yoko ono, and of furnishing the apartments
ilja kabakov as well as studio in the löwenpalais as flats and
sponsorship for several months studios for artists. starting with
for young, up-and-coming artists the organization of exhibitions,
such as, for example, Jean-Yves a lively meeting place for artists
klein, rolf behm, adem Yilmaz, and the art-enthusiastic public
andrea scrima, and Marina was created, the non-profit
Makowski are awarded by the Peter starke art foundation was
foundation. for a period of 3- founded.
World of art 55