Page 59 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2003)
P. 59
the lÖwenPalaiS to all aPPliCantS
the Starke Foundation
non PRoFiT aRT FoundaTion
the löwenpalais, situated in the Your application for admission to
grunewald, berlin’s so-called the “artist-in-residence” Program
“verdure heart”, is a villa which of stiftung starke
represents traditional ties to
the arts through its history dear aPPliCant
and architecture. in 1903, the
renowned architect Hans sehring thank you very much for your
(theater des Westens) built this interest in the foundation’s “artist-
country mansion for the royal in-residence” opportunity. included,
cellarman Habel and his family. you will receive the official
in the 1930s, the building was application form as well as a short
divided into luxurious single documentation of stiftung starke.
apartments which many famous
artists and scholars called home The foundation’s main goal is to
for a few years: the pianist and sponsor young artists in different
composer Prof. karl Heinz taubert, art forms by providing them with
the publisher rowohlt, the housing and working premises.
world-famous composer sergiou unfortunately, we are not able to
celibidace, the american singer provide financial support during your
gladys kurtha. residency at the löwenpalais.
neither can stiftung starke provide
the FaCtS financial support to projects that
will not be shown at the foundation.
foundation of stiftung starke:
6th december 1988, Purpose of in accordance with the statutes of
the foundation: granting young stiftung starke, we are only able
artists a limited guest residence to sponsor young artists, i.e. only
at the löwenpalais; Promoting artists under the age of 35 can
dialogue between artists and be supported. if you need more
the public in all appropriate information about the foundation,
forms. assets of the foundation: feel free to call us, or take a look at
Property koenigsallee. continuous our internet documentation at:
earnings: interests, rent. earnings
for specific projects: support
from business sponsors, support we ask you to include an official
from berlin’s senate cultural cover letter and a photograph to
committee. Managing member of your application.
the board of trustees: Jörg starke. in addition, we need a typed
curriculum vitae with your artistic
reFerenCeS works as well as a hand-written one
with dates.instead of slides showing
the numerous group exhibitions your work, you can also send
with varying accents on berlin, photographs.
german, and american art allow we are looking forward to your
the conclusion that the starke application.
foundation has conquered an
important position in berlin’s Best regards,
cultural life. berlin needs many jörg starke
such private initiatives to satisfy managing member of the Board of
the great backlog demand for Trustees
information regarding the latest
in art. applications via the office of the
Wulf Herzogenrath starke Foundation,
senior curator of the neue schwedlerstrasse 7, d-14193 Berlin
nationalgalerie berlin
World of art 57