Page 7 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2003)
P. 7
modern tate LoNdoN
Max BeckMann
tate modern
© tate photogr aphy
> andrew dunkley
IntroductIon BeckMann
12.02.03 - 05.05.03
max beckmann is widely acknowledged as one of
germany’s leading twentieth-century artists. a figurative
painter throughout his career, beckmann depicted
the world around him with an unparalleled intensity.
his work emerges directly from his experiences of the thIs exhIbItIon Is a
first and second world wars, the political upheavals coLLaboratIon betWeen
of the 1920s and 1930s, the rise of nazism, exile in tate modern, London,
amsterdam and his final emigration to the united states. the museum oF modern art
neW york and musée georges
by capturing the objects and events that surrounded
PornPIdou, ParIs.
him, beckmann hoped to grasp the deeper mysteries
underlying human existence. he perceived and painted
the London PresentatIon Was
the world as a vast stage, at once real and magical, upon curated by sean raInbIrd, senIor
which his own life and the traumas of contemporary curator tate.
history were closely intertwined.
text by susanne bIeber, assIstant
beckmann continuously engaged with new artistic curator tate modern.
developments and was eager to compete with his
peers. however, he refused to join any movement or
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