Page 11 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2003)
P. 11

Tate Modern displays the National Collection of international  WORLD of ART

         Tate Modern

         Tate Modern is Britain’s national museum of modern art.
         modern art from 1900 to the present, which includes major   INTeRNATIONAL CONTeMPORARY GLOBAL ART
         works by Dali, Picasso, Matisse and Warhol as well as work
         by contemporary artists such as sarah Lucas, Mona Hatoum                   Issue 6 VOLuMe 3 2003
         and Anselm Kiefer. Housed in the former Bankside Power   Editor and Publisher     PeTRu Russu
         station in southwark, London, Tate Modern opened on 11
         May 2000 and welcomes some 3 million visitors per year.
                                                                                    WORLD Of ART ISSN 1404-3408 published bimonthly
         Tate Modern History                                    Creative &Art Director  pETru russu Stockholm
                                                                       Senior Editor  AnDrEA pAgnEs Venice
         In December 1992, the Tate Trustees announced their     Contributing Editors  CéCilE BournE Paris
         intention to separate the display of the Tate Collection in                CHrisTopHEr CHAMBErs New York
         London between two sites. The original Millbank gallery
         would show British art from 1500 to the present day,                       EMMA Hill London
         while a new national gallery of international modern and                   MArkus sCHAllEr Berlin
         contemporary art would be created at a separate site.     Editorial Director  MArTA DiMiTrEsCu Stockholm
                                                                     Design Director  AnDrE russo Beyond Silence
         In 1994, the Trustees acquired an option on Bankside Power   Photo Research  AnDrEA ZAnATTA Venice
         station in southwark, designed by sir Giles Gilberts scott
         who was also the architect of Battersea Power station,    Style and Corrections  MArliE BurTon-roCHE Calgary
         the Liverpool Anglican cathedral and the famous British        Translation  lEMMY CAuTion  Venice
         red telephone box. support for the £134 million project   Production Director   åkE WAllEn Birger Gustafsson AB
         was provided by the Millennium Commission, the London   Production Assistant  JoAkiM ZAAr Birger Gustafsson AB
         Borough of southwark, the Arts Council and english       Stockholm Editorial   WorlD of ArT, Mörbylund 19, 9tr SE-182 30 Danderyd
         Partnerships as well as by charitable funds,
              TaTe Modern                                                           E-mail:
         private companies and individuals.                        & Business Office  Stockholm Sweden
                                                                                    Tel & Fax +46 8 85.72.64
         In 1995 the leading swiss                                                  Mobile +46 70 30 86 200
         architects Herzog &                                                        E-mail:
         de Meuron
         were    London                                         Venice Editorial Office  ANDrEA PAGNES
                                                                                    San Polo 559, IT-30 125 Venezia, Italy
                                                                                    Mobile +39 0340 49 38 121
                                             appointed to
                                                                                    CHrISToPHEr CHAMBErS
                                       transform the
                                                                                    187 Lafayette Street 4th floor, New York, NY 10013 USA
                                  power station into a gallery.
                            Construction began in autumn 1997   New York Editorial Office  E-mail:
                       and by the end of 1998 seven new floors   To subscribe & Prices  Annual subscription 6 issues US$ /Euro 40
                 had been built including 14,000 square metres of                   Air Mail add: Europe 20 /USA, Asia , oceania US$ 30
            exhibition space and a two-storey glass light beam’ with    Postmaster
         spectacular views north and south.                                         Send address change to WorLD oF ArT
                                                                                    Mörbylund 19, 9tr SE-182 30 Danderyd, Sweden
         Collection Displays and Exhibitions                                Legal   AnDrEAs olson
                                                                        Typography  VeCTORA  & Sabon. Printed on Silk and Gloss Paper
         The collection is displayed thematically in four suites that      Printing  prisMA piMT in Europe
         explore how the traditional genres of art - still life, the    Distribution  ingrAM pErioDiCAls North America
         nude, landscape and history painting have evolved through
         the modern era. The themes link historic works with                        E-mail:
         contemporary, and combine painting and sculpture with                      uBiquiTY DisTriBuTors USA
         film, video, photography and installation. Rooms examining       
         art historical themes are interspersed with rooms devoted                  sElECTAir DisTriBuTion sErviCEs Australia
         to a single artist.
         Tate Modern’s programme of temporary exhibitions and                       gorDon & goTCH New Zealand
         special displays brings works from all over the world to     Mailing Agent   MErCurY inTErnATionAl United Kindom
         the gallery. some are major retrospectives, others explore        On-line
         particular themes or introduce lesser known artists. The two    First Cover  CArsTEn HöllEr “Waterwalker” 2000
         exhibition suites on Level 4 provide space for around five
         temporary exhibitions each year in a self-contained area
         with a dedicated exhibition bookshop and expresso bar.                     All right reserved. No part of this publication may be
                                                                                    reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
         The former Turbine Hall provides a huge showcase for the   CUrrENT         in any form or by any means, electronic, photographing
         annual sculpture commission in The Unilever Series.  ExHIBITIoNS,          or otherwise, without the prior permission of the
                                                              EVENTS AND            publisher and copyright owner.
                                                                                    Postage and a self-addressed return envelope must
                                                              PrESSrELEASES         accompany unsolicited manuscript, photographs, and
                                                                                    other submitted materials. However, World of Art is not
                                                              Made in the European Union  responsible for unsolicited submissions.
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