Page 82 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2003)
P. 82


                                                                                   di Michele Dal Bon
                                                                      Michele Dal Bon

                                                                                JEWELLERY DESIGNER
                                                                                 G.I.A. GEMOLOGIST
                                                                                 Moderna e Antica
                                                                              C.C.I.A.A. GEM SPECIALIST
                                                                    GEM OFFICIAL EXPERT OF THE VENICE TRADE HALL
                                                                               Argenti ed orologi d ’ epoca
                                                      Le Zoie                 AND THE COURT OF VENICE
         Le Zoie,                                 Designer, Perito G.I.A.,
                                                  di Michele Dal Bon
                Garanzia                          Esperto della C.C.I.A.A.
                               di Michele Dal Bon                           Certificato di garanzia
                                                 e del Tribunale di Venezia       Jewelers
          “Bear in mind the fact that precious material and painstaking
         execution not only make up for lack of ornamentation, but in
                              Moderna e Antica
                             Argenti ed orologi d ’ epoca
         terms of elegance they greatly exceed it. Form and ornament    Modern and Classic
                  Le Zoie
                di Michele Dal Bon
         are the result of the unconscious common work of men who
                Designer, Perito G.I.A.,
                Esperto della C.C.I.A.A.   Certificato di garanzia  Gioielleria Moderna e Antica
         belong to a specific civilization.             Argenti ed Orologi d’  Exclusive Edition
                e del Tribunale di Venezia
                                   Jewellery Designer,,
         Everything else is art.” (Adolf Loos)  Antic Silver and   Wristwatches, Modern and AnticJewellery
                                                                          Limited Edition
         The ability to originally interpret what happens in the world
         is the greatest gift that Venice, a city born of the world and a   Epoca
                                                           Studio Progettazione Gioielli
         summary of the world itself, can give those who love her. And   Silver and Classic Clocks
         Michele Dal Bon, owner of the jewellery design workshop Le
         Zoie, has assumed this as his axiom and life’s rule.  Venice
         Artist and artisan, Michele Dal Bon deftly combines traditional
                                            di Michele Dal Bon • Designer, Perito G.I.A.,Esperto della C.C.I.A.A. e del Tribunale di Venezia
                                      Tel. e fax 041 2758694 -  e-mail: - CHIUSO DOMENICA E LUNEDI Certificate of Authenticity
                                       Venezia . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . .\
                                       Calle dei Boteri, 1566 - 30125 S. POLO - VENEZIA - Partita IVA 03254840274
         the official jewel for the Gran Teatro La Fenice, Dal Bon lives
         technique and contemporary sensitivity. The proud creator of Hall
         and works in Venice. He has chosen as an exhibition venue
         for his zoie (“jewels” in Venetian) an elegant niche near the
         Rialto markets.
         His workshop not only creates jewels that are the end result   Caratteristiche:             Venezia . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. ..\
         of  his  personal  creativity,  but  also  efficiently  produces
         merchandising for the most demanding artistic exhibitions;
         needless to say, he never know-tows to dominant demands for
         mass-produced objects but rather seeks to satisfy the more
         demanding connoisseur and collector.
         His  Le  Zoie,  productions  are  little  masterpieces  that  will
         one day be part of the museums for which they have been                                      Calle dei Boteri, 1566
                                                                                                        Tel. e Fax 041 2758694
         produced. They are little masterpieces where the artistic and                                 30125 S. Polo - Venezia
         historical memory of the sought-after symbols (which have been                        
         recovered and reworked) are presented in the most unique                                         e-mail:
         and original way. They are symbols and objects proposed as
         a form of memory of the present, allowing them to persist
         and preserve their meaning.
         Michele Dal Bon’s technical and artistic ability, as well as that
         of his workshop, are now available for all of those who, working      Studio progettazione gioielli
         in the field of art merchandising, want to offer a different type        Jewellery art studio
         of merchandise.
                                  Andrea Pagnes/Umberto Zampini         Le Zoie - Calle dei Boteri, 1566 - 30125 S. Polo - Venezia
                                                                      Tel. e Fax 041 2758694 - e-mail: -
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