Page 57 - 50.La Biennale di Venezia issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 57
projection that has rarely been seen and Dan Graham will display a reminiscent of a maze-like route. Works by artists as different as
key installation from 1973 about self-reflection, body-awareness and American Robert Gober, Lucy McKenzie from Scotland, and Juan
perceptual delay. Italian artists Carol Rama’s erotic drawings will be Pedro Fabra from Uruguay will contribute to this grammar of painterly
shown in proximity to an entirely new project by Matthew Barney, the transformations.
first work of his to be shown after the completion of his celebrated The significance of a work of art is never fixed. Instead, it is always
Cremaster cycle. A sculptural piece of young Israeli artist Gil Carmit dependent on new readings and translations. Maybe an artwork exists
will prominently displayed, as will a conceptual painting project by only as a series of deferments. The history of art would then have to
Iranian Shirana Shabazi. be understood as a labyrinthine echo chamber, full of whispering
Far from insisting on the purity of the single art form, the exhibition voices and traces of things yet to come. Delays and Revolutions
will highlight the ambiguous zones between fixed genres, stressing endeavors to trace connections and links across generations of artists
their links. For instance, the exhibition will ‘make a case for a painterly in order to draft a short history of change. The history told will not be
approach but often through works that would not traditionally one of linear development, but rather one of detours, repetitions and
beclassified as “paintings.” Thus a category such as “painting” (or for delays. A history of (mis)translations that pays due attention to the
that matter cinema”) no longer signifies a fixed genre or technique, delayed nature of most artistic revolutions and to the revolutionary
but instead indicates a branching out into heterogeneous domains qualities of delays.
Padiglione Italia
Curated by Francesco Bonami and Daniel Birnbaum
Ivan /Carol Rama
Ivan Hurash, 1946
Acquerello su carta
22,5 x 13,5 cm.
Robert Gober
Slides of a Changing Painting, 1982-1983
color transparencies for projection
Collection Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
T.B. Walker Acquisition Fund, 1992