Page 199 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 199

Seongnam Painting Room, which by car, is about an hour and a half   awards, yet remains grounded. He is an artist who is very down to
         away from my house. There I painted inexpensive artworks. I did   earth. A man of great humility with a penchant to help other artists
         not make much money but always had this burning desire to paint   achieve their goals. Yoo loves his country and goes the extra mile
         portraits.” “I began drawing the captain that I had learned from my   in promoting Korean artists and bringing Korean Art to the world.
         Master. And during this process of drawing the captain sailing the   “Challenge yourself,” advised Yoo. “Dream that ‘grand dream’.
         sea, I was inspired to include the map and a compass, essential   Although this is difficult for many of us to achieve, this can still be
         navigational aids for seafaring.” “I started transferring these ideas   done. Be patient and work hard. Then, the dream will come true.”
         onto canvases. Since then, the Captain grew in popularity especially   Almost four decades ago, Yoo set off on a voyage into uncharted
         in the American art market, resulting in commission works and   waters. He set sail with faith, hope and sheer determination. And
         many orders.” Yoo has won many distinguished international art   what an amazing voyage it has been

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