Page 198 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 198

        FINE ART CULTURE  DRAGON GODDESS, 2022 OIL ON CANVAS 20.6X20.2 IN. | 53X51.5 CM.
         TIGER GODDESS, 2023 OIL ON CANVAS 23.8X19.6 IN. | 60.5X50 CM.

         GIRL AND THE SEVEN FAIRY 3, 2011 OIL ON CANVAS 20X24 IN. | 51X61 CM.

                                   YOO CHOONG YEUL
                                   Lives and work in Gyong Gi-do, Republic of Korea

         Every once in a while, an extraordinary artist emerges. An artist who   Superman from the cover of a comic book, working late into the
         makes the viewer pay attention. To his work, his skill, his presence.   night. At around 2am, there was a sudden power failure. I waited
         Such an artist is Yoo Choong Yeul. If I had to choose one word to   for about 30 minutes but the electricity was not restored. I went to
         describe Yoo, that word would be Focus. Yoo is completely focused   my friend Kang Seong-gu’s bedroom and opened a drawer of an old
         on his paintings and his unwavering commitment to art. He spares   unused desk, looking for a large candle, so I could continue to finish
         no effort in his lifelong quest of perfecting his craft. Yoo’s dedication   my artwork. As soon as my hand touched the candle, I felt a shiver
         goes beyond passion. He is totally immersed in his incredible fine   running through my body. And I heard an inner voice saying: ‘You go
         art. And it has always been proven that with focus comes success.   the painter’s path.’ From that day on, I was motivated to take ‘The
         Yoo was born in 1960 in South Korea and entered the art world   Artist’s Path.’” Yoo is renowned for his creation of the Captain. He
         in 1981, vowing to be, in his own words: “a world class painter”.   explains why he created this now famous character that has graced
         He recalls his earliest memory of his involvement with art: “When   covers of books by international writers: “I learned how to draw a
         I was 20 years old, I attended night high school in Seongnam. I   captain around 1983 from Master Kang Won, who draws captains.”
         liked to make drawings from comic books and started illustrating   “By 1985, I was married with a son but faced financial challenges.
         cartoons with a 12-color ballpoint pen.” “One night, I was drawing   It was difficult to earn money for the household. So, I stayed at the

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