Page 55 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
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Installation view, Alex Katz: Gathering, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,
                                                              October 21, 2022–February 20, 2023. Photo: Ariel Ione Williams and Midge
                                                              Wattles © Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York 

         A number of portrait subjects recur in the course of   eminent group of writers who have responded to Katz’s
         the loosely chronological installation, most notably   work at different points in his career, cohering into an
         Ada Katz, the accomplished research biologist and    illuminating document of the artist’s rich and mutable
         Fulbright scholar whom the artist married in 1958    critical reception from the 1950s to the present day.
         and has depicted over a thousand times since.        A series of digital productions will complement the
         Described by the poet Frank O’Hara as “a presence    retrospective, including a newly captured and intimate
         and at the same time a pictorial conceit of style,” Ada   video portrait of the artist at work and an audio guide
         functions as the iconographic heart of Katz’s work,   highlighting observations by Guggenheim curators and
         a physiognomy and a subjectivity studied across the   notable sitters who appear in Katz’s paintings, including
         arc of both the subject’s individual life and the artist’s   choreographer Bill T. Jones, poet Vincent Katz, composer
         creative development.                                Meredith Monk, and poet Anne Waldman.
                                                              Emerging as an artist in the mid-20th century, Katz
         The exhibition is accompanied by a scholarly catalogue,   forged a mode of figurative painting that fused the
         featuring eleven newly commissioned essays by David   energy and distillation of Abstract Expressionist
         Breslin, Katherine Brinson, Jennifer Y. Chuong, David   canvases with the American vernaculars of the
         Max Horowitz, Arthur Jafa, Katie Kitamura, Wayne     magazine, billboard, and movie screen. He has
         Koestenbaum, Ewa Lajer-Burcharth, Kevin Lotery,      turned to his direct surroundings in downtown New
         Prudence Peiffer, and Levi Prombaum. In addition     York City and coastal Maine as his primary subject
         to an extensive plates section and comprehensive     matter throughout his career, engaging the traditional
         exhibition and publication histories, the book contains   painterly subjects of portraiture, genre scenes of
         a Sourcebook of 36 reviews, texts, and poems from an   everyday life, and landscape.

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