Page 94 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2003)
P. 94

                                                        1962 born in new york city, ny, usa
                                                        living and exhibiting around europe

               David fried presents recent works that deal with fundamental relationships and their potential recombination. exploring our
             diverse and labile environment, comprised of individuals - so called sovereign entities entwined in a network that is constantly
             changing, these works speak of inter-dependent life, whereby the periphery becomes the centre. his acoustically stimulated
             interactive sculptures “sos - self organizing still-life” are compelling by their symbolically provocative simplicity, creating a live
             complex visual experience as the viewer is moved to forge perspectives on relationships, life and the universe of thought. audible
             sound is transformed into waves that stimulate each of the stone spheres silently into motion, rearranging themselves in continually
             new patterns of elegantly fluid choreography. some kiss, some spin off alone, while others race head-on only to meet with a soft
             embrace- or swerve around one another, often changing the path and destiny of each other without physical contact. The resulting
             choreography is live and directly initiated by its environment. When sound is no longer dedected, the spheres come to rest in ever
             different consellations. fried’s photographic works reveal relationships as delicate temporal architecture, emerging when the primary
             elements of life- water and air- get together. reflecting further on the human condition, these images that resemble living cells called
             “in Bed with lucy and Dolly” take us on a biomorphical journey “from the cambrian sea to the artificial womb”. (Prof. Dr. norbert Bolz)

                In bEd WITh LuCY And dOLLY
              2001 nonDigiTal c-PrinT on Diasec,
                 each 130 x 100 cM. / 51 x 39 in.
                view Frank O.gehry building düsseldOrF
                 SELF ORGAnIZInG STILL LIFE,
                 -ACOuSTICALLY STImuLATEd
                InTERACTIvE SCuLPTuRE- CS1
                2001 graniTe, soliD casT-sTone
                 sPheres, MicroPhone sensor,
                            MixeD MeDia.

              52 x 62 x 15 cM. / 20½ x 24½ x 6 in.

                 SELF ORGAnIZInG STILL LIFE,
                  -AcOUSTicALLy STiMULATED
                 inTERAcTiVE ScULPTURE- BG4
                2001 graniTe, soliD casT-sTone
                 sPheres, MicroPhone sensor,
                            MixeD MeDia
               132 x 102 x 15 cM. / 52 x 40 x 6 in.
                     view kunst-MuseuM würzburg

                 SELF ORGAnIZInG STILL LIFE,
                 -ACOuSTICALLY STImuLATEd
                InTERACTIvE SCuLPTuRE- CELL
                 2001 QuarTZ, soliD casT-sTone
                 sPheres, MicroPhone sensor,
                            MixeD MeDia
                102 x 77 x 15 cM. / 40 x 30 x 6 in.
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