Page 90 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2003)
P. 90

                                                                                            froM The series:
                                                                                            inTervieWing The ciTies
                                                                                            courTesy of The arTisT
                                                                                            PhoTo: subrea

                                                                                               MARiELA GEMiSHEVA  >
                                                                                                  ouT of Myself 2002
                                                                                                  PhoTo insTall aTion
                                                                                                4 Works 150 x 103 cM.
                                                                                                  2 Works 42 x 30 cM.
                                                                                                    PhoTogr aPhs By
                                                                                                  Danail shTurBanov
                                                                                               courTesy of The arTisT

                KiRiL PRASHKOV
         naTional sT yle 1993-2000
        series of insTallaTions froM
         fooD, naTural suBsTances,
     founDeD oBjecTs anD reaDy-MaDe
            DiMensions variaBle
          courTesy of The arTisT

         88      WORLD of ART
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