Page 95 - The MoMA/ Guggenheim issue of World of Art magazine (2003)
P. 95

         nEWS/  WORLD Of ART BOOKS
         nEWS/  WORLD Of ART BOOKS
                                                             WORLD of ART
                                                             for each your preferences circle the corresponding number of the
                                                             adverting on the included fREE infORMATiOn card.
                                                             you will receive free information
                                                                 1.   hugo Boss PriZe / soloMon r. guggenheiM MuseuM neW york
                                                                cOnTEnTS  10. MaTisse-Picasso / MoMa - The MuseuM of MoDern arT neW york
                                                                 4.   Max BeckMann / MoDern TaTe lonDon

                                                                 20. Muse, MoDel, anD arTisT / The geTTy
                                                                 23. arT 34 Basel /aDverTiseMenT
                                                                 24. ToPic / The fall of fausT By anDrea PagneZ
                                                                 26. irish MuseuM of MoDern arT
                                                                 29. MoDern MuseuM sTockholM / lounge WiTh The liBrary
                                                                 36. MiMMo PalaDino
                                                                 38. anDré russo /aDverTiseMenT
                                                                 40. The Terror ProjecT / By Marlie BurTon-roche
                                                                 44. The Terror ProjecT / By nancy WorThingTon
                                                                 46. casTelo Di rivoli / TransavanguarDia By achille BoniTo oliva
                                                                 51. Musée D’arT MoDerne De la ville De Paris
                                                                 52. The sTarke founDaTion / sol leWiTT
         FEMALE ARTIST’S ART provides examples of                58. flávia riBeiro / sTilness in MoTion
         exceptional quality artwork from a significant number of
         incredibly talented female artists. For inclusion contact:   62. svein koningen /aDverTiseMenT                             63. MarDi / aDverTiseMenT

                                                                 64. avraM / aDverTiseMenT
                                                                 65. hagea / aDverTiseMenT
                                                                 66. eliTe / uMBerTo eco
                                                                 68. sTane jagoDic / arTisT Profile
                                                                 69. sorin alBu / arTisT Profile
                                                                 70. anDré russo / arTisT Profile
                                                                 71. göTZ DiergarTen / arTisT Profile
                                                                 72. ToPic / ginevra De’Benci By TaMara PasZTor
                                                                 73. fonDaZione PraDa Milan / ToM frieDMan
                                                                 74. launa roMoff / arTisT Profile
                                                                 75. anDrea ZanaTTa / arTisT Profile
                                                                 76. inTervieW By chrisToPher chaMBers
                                                                 77. ken roBinson / arTisT Profile
                                                                 78. DaBora galley / lynDa Mahan / TiMoThy cuMMings
                                                                 80. Michele Dal Bon / le Zoie
                                                                 81. arT Brusseles / aDverTiseMenT
                                                                 82. arT aDDicTion virTual gallery
                                                                 84. in search of Balkania /WorlD exhiBiTion
                                                                 90. nikolaus-oTTo kruch / aBsTracT-aBsTruse By coriolan BaBeTi
                                                                 92. DaviD frieD / arTisT Profile
                                                                 93. WorlD of arT Books
                                                                 96. greenleaf Book grouP /aDverTiseMenT
         100 Contemporary Artists 2003 is the most up-to-date
         publication to offer an authoritative overview of Art   firsT cover: carsTen höller “WaTerWalker” 2000 / MoDern MuseuM
         Addiction artist’s art of the 1990s onwards: 100 selected   sTockholM insiDe firsT cover: MaTisse-Picasso / MoMa neW york
         artists with over 300 reproductions and features pithy
         introductory commentaries by the artists or experts.    insiDe Back cover: sacal / aDverTiseMenT
         Contact:                    Back cover: guggenheiM MuseuM neW york / aDverTiseMenT
                                                                                                    WORLD of ART       93
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