Page 13 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 13

Romanian art myself and curator agreed to make respective
         exhibitions. For example 50 years of Romanian graphics
         exhibition organized at Oradea City Art Museum between
         2019 and 2022 presented works by artists (75) who worked
         between 1970-2020 in Romania. Another example is 100 artists
         100 years of Romanian art exhibition which covered entire
         20th century with painting sculpture and graphics works. Very
         important for me is Romanian Artists on Mapamond event
         which was organized together with Romanian Cultural Institute
         and after Chisinau now it is in Vienna and will follow Budapest.

         In all the exhibitions I organize, I provide works from my
         art collection free of charge. As an exception, in two cases
         - Suzana Fântânariu and Mircia Dumitrescu, together with
         Alexandru Chitua, we organized exhibitions with their works
         at the National Brukenthal Museum in Romania, as well as
         in Chisinau, at the National Art Museum of Moldova. Both
         Alexandru Chitua and I are great lovers of graphics and we
         consider that the two mentioned above are the most important
         contemporary artists, drawing and woodcut being their main
         assets. In all the exhibitions I organize, the themes cover a
         certain historical period, especially in Japanese stamping
                                                              GEORGE SERBAN COLLECTION: ION ALIN GHEORGHIU (29.09.1929- 11.12.2001
         and European engraving. We propose to the public works   SUSPENDED GARDEN (GRADINA SUSPENDATA) 1970 OIL / MIXED TECHNIQUE
                                                              106 X 121 CM.
         that illustrate the beginnings of the respective techniques
         (engraving /woodcut). If we refer, for example, to European   I have a museum project for my collection that I started
         engraving, the works in exhibitions are subgrouped by   working on about 10 years ago. I can make available for
         countries of origin, authors or centuries. As for Japanese   this project my property from Cotroceni neighborhood but
         stamping, grouping of works is done according to authors,   my current priorities are in professional area. In reality as I
         centuries or schools.                                answered above my activities related to my art collection fall
                                                              within objectives of a museum. More precisely I do exactly
         WHAT IMPACT DO YOU THINK YOUR EXHIBITIONS HAVE ON    what a museum does - exhibitions catalogs other publications
         THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONTEMPORARY ROMANIAN ART AND     meetings with artists as well as promoting art collection online.
         ON EDUCATING THE GENERAL PUBLIC IN THE ARTISTIC FIELD?  As for online environment I can say that currently a new
         My exhibitions are held in museums or exhibition spaces of   project I am working on is George Serban Virtual Art Museum.
         institutions (such as the Senate of Romania, Darvas La Roche
         Oradea House, Bucharest National Theater or Cantacuzino   WHERE AND WHEN DO YOU INTEND TO OPEN GEORGE SERBAN
         Castle in Busteni), where students are also invited. Also during   ART COLLECTION MUSEUM?
         events raffles are organized with works from my exhibition   I have a museum project for my collection that I started
         which are offered exclusively to this category of students.   working on about 10 years ago. I can make available for
         Moreover on several occasions I offered young people free   this project my property from Cotroceni neighborhood but
         access tickets. I am interested in educating young generation’s   my current priorities are in professional area. In reality as I
         taste and attracting them to cultural institutions.   answered above my activities related to my art collection fall
                                                              within objectives of a museum. More precisely I do exactly
         HOW DO YOU PROMOTE GEORGE SERBAN BRAND AND           what a museum does - exhibitions catalogs other publications
         ESTABLISH RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER COLLECTORS OR     meetings with artists as well as promoting art collection online.
         GALLERY OWNERS? 33. WHERE AND WHEN DO YOU INTEND TO   As for online environment I can say that currently a new
         OPEN GEORGE SERBAN ART COLLECTION MUSEUM?            project I am working on is George Serban Virtual Art Museum.

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